by sheri okland 12 years ago
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All Good instructional design models start with learning, not technology. Page 4
Roots in behaviorism and systems thinking
All sound e-learning environments provide:
1. Interactivity and active learning opportunities
2. Feedback on progress, ideas, testing theories, etc.
3. Optimized environment (uses appropriate media characteristics)
4. Flexibility in teaching strategies for a variety of learning styles and needs.
5. Appropriate and necessary access to enabling and facilitating technologies.
later stage - how the teacher actually thinks about hi/her classroom
early stage teachers use the new technology by choice
summative evaluation is conducted
provides a basis for new versions
determines efficacy of materials
field test materials
revise if necessary
done simutaneously
based on
behavior objectives
conducted same time
analysis of learners and characteristics
match tasks with learner skills
goals of instruction are identified
broken into several large asked
task analysis
needs assessment
nature of instruction
need for instruction exists?
1. Learning goals can be categorized as to learning outcomes or knowledge type
2. Learning outcomes can be represented in a predictable prerequisite relationship.
3. Acquisition of different outcome categories requires different internal processes
4. Different internal process are supported by identifiabley different instructional processes.
prerequisite knowledge
cognitive strategies
metacognitive skills
conscious awareness of how one thinks and learns
recall new knowledge
learner to encode
instructional conditiions provided by teacher, materials, or other learners
facilates the internal conditions for learning
predicted success in class
cognitive processes that support learning outcomes
amount and quality of knowledge
perceived self-efficacy
motivation to learn
appropriate for learning task