Categories: All - presentation - anxiety - stress - patient

by Jessica Pastor 6 years ago


Jessica's STAR Method

In a challenging work scenario, a healthcare worker managed an anxious patient by maintaining calmness and ensuring effective communication, leading to a positive outcome where the patient felt reassured and understood.

Jessica's STAR Method

The task that were given to me was when I had to deal with a difficult patient while I was on duty at work. The patient has anxiety and when she was not being looked after, she felt neglected at the same time she was so anxious with her surroundings.

The end result was successful because the patient was happy and forgiving. Everyone managed to compromise and understand the patient's concerns.

I then reassured the patient that everything was going to be okay. I remained calm the whole time and made eye contact to make sure that she is being listened to.

STAR Method


Jessica's STAR Method

My motivation stems from my children. They are the ones that keeps me going and the reason why I went back to school.

Although, I have not mastered this new lifestyle I have. I am continually growing and enjoying the outcomes and gains that life has to offer.


the actions I had taken towards my initiative are seeking out opportunities and continued growth not only for education but seeking out support from my teachers. I also build rapport with professionals that are experienced to provide mentor ship and support.

Flexibility/Adaptability Skills

the action I had taken was to go back to school, adjust to my new environment Have looked for new opportunities in terms of job placements.
The tasks that i had to endure was transitioning from one big city to another. I was used to having a fast lifestyle and slowed down when I moved to Hamilton.
although it is challenging to balance school life and family life, I tend to find ways to balance everything and being adaptable to my new lifestyle.
Moving from Toronto to Hamilton was a big adjustment that I had to do.

A situation where I had to use a strong work ethic was professionalism.

Strong Work Ethic

A Situation arose when I learned i was pregnant with Alexis and after having her, I had to learn how to organize.

As a result, I find it challenging to sort everything all at once without taking a break. I had to cut down the chores with breaks in between. I learned I worked well when I am not stressed or pressure from everything else. Prioritizing school life was also challenging. I also learned to give myself time and be patient when it comes to organizing.
the tasks were more situational rather than given to me. for ex; when I moved from Toronto to Hamilton I had re evaluate my organizational skills because of my children as well as being a full time student.
The actions i did was to prioritize what was most important and I decided to proceed from there. The first thing I did was to sort out the children's clothes, toys, shoes etc..

Problem Solving Skills

when it was time meet at our designated location, there was a conflict of one person not able to commit although it was communicated to our group to send an email prior if they cannot come through. As a result, the team members were frustrated. We then spoke professionally to our team person and it was resolved right away. we all had a clear understanding to communicate in the future.
the tasks were divided into three different parts between my group members and I. We all had responsibilities for what we need to do, we decided to set times to meet and work on it as a group.
A situation where I had to use my problem solving skills was when I had to work in a group for a project.

The tasks that were given to us was to transfer the patient from the bed to the chair sitting upright.

The action that were taken was to physically roll the patient from side to side in order for him to get into the hoyer lift.


The result was successful for the team as well as the patient because no one was injured and we took protective measures from an accident to happen.
I worked in an inpatient orthopedic unit in Toronto. I worked with various staff including the nursing staff.One situation I experienced was when we had to use a hoyer lift on a patient.

The actions that were taken was that she was removed from her aunt's place and she was transitioned under her father's care. With proper support and guidance, she is slowly getting comfortable and adjusting to her new environment. She is also currently attending therapy for many issues she has faced and will face in many years to come.


I believe god has given me a task to teach her wisdom about life. Her bio mother is struggling with addiction and she never had a normal childhood. She was abused by her aunt and she still having a difficult time adjusting as well as trusting people.
a situation where I had to use integrity was when I talked to my step-daughter about life and what it has to offer.

Technical Skills

It was interesting to find out not only I had to use Microsoft word in a report and assignments but to also know how to use prezi and other programs for presentations.
I also learned to use kurzweil, power point, and Microsoft word for resume writing and reports.
I had to learn how to use prezi for technology and trends class which I enjoyed thoroughly.
although it was challenging to use some programs, with some assistance I managed to be comfortable using the technology when needed and I also learned a lot along the way.
When I had gone back to school at Mohawk, I had to use my technical skills when doing assignments and projects.

Communication skills

after the presentation, the outcome was great and everyone had positive feedback about the ideas as well as colleagues giving suggestions.
the actions that we took was to brainstorm ideas and present it in another staff meeting.
The task that were given to me was to check in on patients and ask if they need anything such as medication,water if they needed to go to the bathroom or if in need of diaper change.

Communication Skills

my co-workers and I had to make a presentation on improvements about patient customer service.
A situation that occurred when I had to communicate with my manager. It was regarding a staff meeting when we had to put our thinking cap on on how to improve patient customer service.

Being able to communicate and care for a patient when they had called from their rooms and I was prompt and quick to get what they need.

One of the interpersonal skills that I have is being caring toward others. Having to work with a diverse patients in Toronto, I learned to help and care for them because I had always thought about putting myself in their shoes.

The outcome of the task were successful because the patient was happy, there weren't any complaints and it was handled professionally.