Categories: All - collaboration - resources - strategy - communication

by Jordi Garcia 9 years ago



A project aims to digitize a karting business, promising competitive advantages and increased visibility through modern technology. The initiative, leveraging group research, involves a strategic plan to publicize the business digitally while maintaining a cost-free approach.



Enter your project name

Begin by typing your project name into the Central Topic below, then press the Enter key or click the right-arrow button.


Project activities and schedule

Although we are not planning a detailed schedule here, this map should include the major work elements so that they can be broken down into tasks later.

Anàlisis del projecte

Add a project activity

Type in a project activity. Examples include:

1r trimestre del Grau

Add the timescale for this activity

When will this activity take place? Type an approximate date or a project stage.

Plans de comunicació

Communications plan

Communications are vital to your project, so that all stakeholders know what they need to know to play their part. A communications plan helps you to keep everyone informed.

Pla empresarial

Key communications events

Your communications plan should include a number of key events, with specific purposes and outcomes. You can choose from the suggestion that follow or add your own.

Revisió del projecte

Include a project review?

The project review meeting takes place once the project has been closed, and examines the processes that led to both success and failure in the project. The goal of the review meeting is to improve processes and techniques for the next time.
Click the icon to include a project review meeting:

2a Reunió

Include a close-out meeting?

The project close-out meeting confirms that the stakeholders are all satisfied with the outcomes of the project, and it can officially be accepted as complete.
Click the icon to include a close-out meeting:


Include quality reviews?

If you have specific quality criteria to meet, or have a quality regime in your organisation, you may need to conduct periodic reviews to ensure that the project could pass an audit at any time.
Click the icon to include quality reviews:

RIsics i qüestions

Include risk and issue reviews?

You should periodically review project risks and issues, to ensure that new risks are not emerging, and that issues are not being left unaddressed.
Click the icon to include risk and issue reviews:

Revisió del progres

Include progress reviews?

If the project is large enough or if you are using an Agile methodology, you will need regular progress reviews with a consistent agenda.
Click the icon to include progress reviews:


Include stage planning meetings?

If your project is large, or if you are using an Agile methodology, you may need regular planning meetings to schedule the project in stages.
Click the icon to include stage planning meetings:

Inici de la reunió

Include a kick-off meeting?

The project kick-off meeting ensures that the project team and key stakeholders all have the same goals, know what the main elements of the plan are, know what the processes and rules are, and know what part they will play.
Click the icon to include a kick-off meeting:

Eines de cooperació i col·laboració

Communication and collaboration tools

What communication and collaboration tools will you use? How will you issue bulletins, share documents and work collaboratively? Which tools will be suitable for your stakeholders?


Add a communication tool

Add a communication / collaboration tool. Examples include:

Gestió de requisits

Requirements Management

Requirements often make or break projects. If the requirements are not well known in advance, the way that you handle this situation will have a significant impact.
Knowing the requirements is important, but it is more important to be in control of the requirements, and to know what is excluded as well.

Què aprendrem?


For clarity, you should state any known exclusions that are definitely not part of the project, especially if there is a chance that someone might reasonably assume they are included.

Molta més experiència

Add an exclusion

Specify an exclusion from your project. Examples are

Ho sabem?

Known requirements

List the major known requirements for your project. If there are a lot, then you might choose to put these in a separate map. You can always come back and add more later. The important thing is that the requirements are gathered in one place and are roughly classified. Requirements can include:


Add a requirement

Add a requirement in the topic text. Requirements should be specific enough to be tested. Prioritise it with MoSCoW grades by clicking on an icon:

  1. Must have - an essential requirement
  2. Should have - preferred, but a temporary workaround would be acceptable
  3. Could have - include if easy and all the Musts and Shoulds are complete
  4. Want to have - can be left for the future

Requirements Management

How will you respond when requirements change? How will you keep track of changing requirements?

Llista a partir de la qual posarem els objectius

Add a requirements management technique

Add a technique or process to manage requirements. Techniques might include:

Nivell de requisits

Indicate your confidence level

How confident do you feel about the requirements specification for this project? Can you start designing now, or will you need to spend time defining the requirements?
Click the icon that represents your confidence level:

Press Enter or click the right-arrow to continue.


Project Stakeholders

A 'Stakeholder' is anyone who might be affected by the project or its outcomes. Some stakeholders are clear, for example the customer and users. But sometimes there are hidden stakeholders, such as people who share the resources that the project will also use. You will need a list of stakeholders for your communication plans.



Who are the people in the customer's organisation who are important to the project?

Sergi Lopez
Marc miravet
David Moros
Marc cabrera
Jordi Garcia

Add a customer representative

Add a customer representative. These might include people who:

Manager del grup

Customer account manager

Who takes care of the customer, and represents their interests with your team?

El grup sencer

Add an account manager

Add a customer account manager.


Project sponsors

Project sponsors are the senior members of your organisation who are backing (or will need to be persuaded to back) your project. They provide the authority for the project.


Add a project sponsor

Add a name and press Enter.

Cas de negoci

The Business Case

The Business Case justifies the investment in the project. If your project is already approved, then you can skip over this section and delete it later. But if you need buy-in for your project, then you may need to make a simple business case.

Pla estratègic

Strategic 'fit'

How well does this project fit your strategy?
Is it 'strategic'?
Does it help you along the road towards strategic goals, either for your team, department or company?

Donar-se a conèixer a través de les noves tecnologies

Add a strategic reason

Add a strategic reason for this project.


Key benefits

What are the key benefits to your organisation in taking this project forward?

Donar-se a conèixer
Tindran molt més avantatge competitiu

Add a key benefit

Type in a key benefit from this project. Examples include:

Costs estimats

Estimated costs

Estimated costs will help to determine the level of authorisation required, the cost/benefit ratio, and the opportunity costs of the project.


Add an estimated cost

Type in the name of a cost and the estimated amount. Typical costs include:

Declaració del treball

The Statement of Work

The first thing to write is the Statement of Work. This gives a high-level overview of the major items that the project should deliver.


Project assumptions

What assumptions are you making in order to deliver this project successfully?
What is outside your control, or is on your list to'deal with later'?

Hem de portar el treball al dia
El grup ha de treballar conjuntament

Add an assumption

Type an assumption into the topic text. Examples include:


Project constraints

A constraint is a condition that must be met. Constraints set non-negotiable limits and are often restrictive.

Ha de ser gratuït
Treballs antics, sense digitaitzar

Add a Constraint

Type in a project constraint, or just press Enter to skip. Examples of constraints include:


Project resources

What are the key resources that this project will need?

A partir de la investigació grupal

Add a project resource

Add a key resource that your project will need. Examples include:



A project milestone is an event that shows progress along the path towards completion. Milestones usually have deadline dates.

Diagrama de PERTT

Add a project milestone

Type in the name of a milestone for your project. Examples include:

Dia lliurament

Add a milestone date

Enter an approximate target date for this milestone.
You can return later to customise the task information in this Mindomo map and start using its project management features.

Què lliurarem?


A project deliverable is evidence of real progress. It is something that can be handed to your customers or users.

Organigrama de grup
Document on hi haurà tot el treball escrit

Add a project deliverable

Type a project deliverable into the topic text below, and press Enter. When you are finished, press Enter again. Examples of project deliverables include: