Categories: All - flexibility - teamwork - motivation - communication

by Kelsey Yale 6 years ago


Kelsey Yale - STAR Report

The individual demonstrates a variety of key competencies across different job roles and life scenarios. In their previous job, they maintained effective communication to ensure timely completion of orders.

Kelsey Yale - STAR Report

Kelsey Yale - STAR Report


Out at the groceries store I had noticed a old men had forgot to grab his groceries . I ran after him and give him his bag of groceries. He was very grateful and said thank you .

Motivation & Initiative

When I worked at McDonalds I noiced none had done a bun pull where take the buns out of the freezer so I took it upon myself to do the bun pull so the people wouldn't have to in a hurry to do one.

Flexibility/ Adaptability

One day I was running to get the bus as I was running the bus went right passed me I ended up walking to school as fast as I could and I still may it on time .

Strong Work Ethic

working at highland packers me and my partner were working and she had to leave I offered to stay late to get the work done and my boss really appreciated that I did that .


When i worked at highland packers i had the tasks of organizing the box/supply room. i had to put the boxes of bigger to smaller this made it more accessible and quicker to get the boxes you needed.

Problem Solving

At home my daughter and nephew were fighting over a toy I went and got toy that was almost the same they stop fighting a play with toys together .


at my old job the sale was nothing working right this happened a lot , so I know what I need to do I did everything I could get it work with in a few minutes I had it working and we were able to finish the day.


at my old job we have to communication where we are at through out the day to see where we are in getting to orders done . at the end of the day all the orders are done right.


My friend had stayed at my house over night to go to school together the Next day. when we were getting ready for school we noticed the snow was pretty bad we had to dig out her car. we worked together removing the snow and we were still able to get to school on time .


In college we had a group project on a social media platform we had to come together as a team to get the project done. We divided the tasks and fairly. At the end the project look great and was complete.