Categories: All - listening - notes - brainstorming

by Bryan Cabezas 1 year ago


Learning styles and strategies

Different learning styles and strategies cater to individual cognitive, personality, and sensory preferences. Diagramming simplifies complex information and connects new knowledge with existing understanding.

Learning styles and strategies

References Navas, M. (2005). Buscando en el campo de otros lenguajes nuevas estrategias de aprendizaje en el aula: Los mapas mentales como estrategia didáctica en el proceso de la toma de notas. Disponible en: http://ensino.univates.Br./ibero,americano/trabalho/trabalho225.pdf Baute, J. (2012). Ventajas diagrama causa efecto. Obtenido de Harni, A. (2007). Using role play in teaching speaking. A Pre-Experimental Study at Islamic Junior High School Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat. Runco, M. (2010). Divergent thinking, creativity, and ideation. En J. Kaufman & R.J. Sternberg (Eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Creativity (pp. 413-446). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511763205.026 Carvajal & Guerrero. (2007). How to Improve Sixth Graders’ Reading Comprehension through the Skimming Technique file:///C:/Users/PROFE/Downloads/How_to_Improve_Sixth_Graders_Reading_Compreh ensio.pdf Rost, M. (2022, 12 noviembre). What is selective listening? Lateral Communications.

Learning styles and strategies

Personality style

Selective listening
According to Rost (2022) it is a skill that anyone can develop and improve, selective listening refers to paying attention to the most relevant part of an audio, in order to synthesize the main idea and the most relevant part of it.
According to Carvajal & Guerrero (2007), it is useful to promote and improve the comprehension of any type of written text, it is a quick reading of a text to identify the main or general idea of the text or paragraph, therefore, it focuses on extracting general information from a text.

Sensory style

The structure for developing a brainstorming session: 1) Capture of ideas 2) Analysis and critique of ideas 3) Choice of the ideas to be implemented
According to Runco (2010) it is a planning strategy that can be used to get ideas about what students know about a given topic or it can also be used to get ideas from the creativity of a group to solve a problem.
According to Harni (2007), it develops language fluency, promotes classroom interaction, and increases motivation. It is a highly flexible learning activity that allows students to be creative and put themselves in someone else's shoes.

Congnitive style

According to Baute (2012), diagrams allow students to assimilate new information more efficiently, as well as to better relate it to their previous knowledge.
It helps to simplify information by facilitating the decomposition of complex topics or concepts into simpler and more manageable parts,
Taking notes
Can be used: Charts. Diagrams. Conceptual maps. Synoptic tables.
According Navas (2005) taking notes involves writing short sentences that can be easily associated with what was discussed in class, the data and concepts that rescue the main ideas, as well as those that are important; this implies a mental effort when analyzing, selecting and writing down the pertinent information