El uso de tipos de coma
Type in the name of your organization.
Separa una aclaración o una explicación que se inserta en una oración.
You might need to clarify your objectives to include other strategies, or maybe some of your strategies are not really aligned with objectives and should be changed.
Make some notes about how your objectives or strategies should change.
El Huascarán, el nevado más alto del Perú, se encuentra en Áncash.
Es una coma que se utiliza para separar una frase o palabra que agrega información adicional que aclara o precisa el significado de una palabra o frase.
- Do all your tactical projects join up, or are there gaps or overlaps?
- Are there any areas where effort is being duplicated?
- Could these be streamlined to support more than one strategy?
Miguel Grau, el Caballero de los Mares, murió con valentía.
La coma hiperbática es una figura retórica que consiste en invertir el orden normal de las palabras en una oración para enfatizar o resaltar una idea.
It is not uncommon for those who are working on the tactics of an organization to be unaware of the strategy, objectives, mission, and vision behind them.
- How aware are your staff of the bigger picture?
- Do most people know understand it, or are some people working in the dark?
En medio del caos, la calma reinaba.
La coma se usa para sustituir el verbo en los casos en que se omite porque ya se mencionó anteriormente o se sobrentiende.
Review all your objectives.
- Do they all fit together?
- Can they all be achieved without conflict?
- Will you need to make difficult choices between them?
- Do they overlap or duplicate effort?
Julio perdió su billetera; Juan, su mochila.
Se usa para separar el vocativo y el mensaje.
Review your vision statement and mission statement together.
Does your mission statement bring your vision to life? Do the targets in your mission statement align with your vision?
Fabiola, apoya a tus hermanos.
Se utiliza para separar los elementos de las enumeraciones.
Review your Vision statement:
Does your vision really reflect the values and beliefs that motivate you and your staff?
Juan vive con sus padres, tíos, abuelos y primos.