Categories: All - implementación - monitoreo - mentoría - objetivos

by julio paz 5 months ago



El proceso de mentoría incluye múltiples fases enfocadas en la implementación, monitoreo y evaluación para asegurar el éxito del programa. Se destaca la importancia de alinear las expectativas y metas tanto de los mentores como de los aprendices, lo cual se realiza a través de talleres y convocatorias específicas.



Fase 2- Implementación

Informe de lecciones aprendidas

Ceremonia de cierre


Un tutor generalista coordinando los especialistas por cada 10 empresas


Emparejamiento de mentores con aprendices (WSMEs): el emparejamiento debe basarse en la alineación de expectativas y objetivos, expectativas de compromiso de tiempo, experiencias, obsequios personales y género.

Validación sistémica de los resultados de las brechas


Suministrarle a cada mentor la caracterización de las empresas a cargo apara la alineación. El mentor se reune para validar expectativas.

Capacitación práctica. proceso de órdenes de pedido, necesidades de flujo de efectivo

Ola 3
Ola 2
Taller de alineación de expectativas

Taller Quick-off:

Monitoring and tracking to ensure a at least one monthly interactions between mentors and mentees and monitor progress against objectives. This includes a collection of baselines, mid-line, and end-line data from all participants and share the results with IFC. M&E data will include indicators that are relevant to IFC’s S2E monitoring and evaluation programIncluye la presentaci´pn de la metodología de monitoreo y evaluación

Ola 1
Lecciones aprendidas
Cierre del programa
Monitoreo y evaluación
Ejecución mentoría

2 horas de mentoría a la semana. 11 semanas durante 16 semanas. cada mes 1 informe de MS y el informe final de cierre.

Coordinación 1

Mentor 1

Informe final

Reunion 12

Reunion 11

Reunion 10

Reunion 9

Informe mes 2

Reunion 8

Reunion 7

Reunion 6

Reunion 5

Informe mes 1

Reunion 4

Reunion 3

Reunion 2

Reunion 1


Mentoring quick-off: introduce mentors and mentees and provide the methodology to follow and opportunities to answer comments and questions. During the introduction, the objective of the mentoring process must be clear as well as the expected number of sessions and outcomes of the mentoring process.

Taller Quick-off

Informe lecciones aprendidas taller Quick-off

Adecuación logística taller Quick-off

Ejecución del taller Quick-off

Convocatoria Quick-off:

Alineación expectativas y metas mentores y aprendices


Emparejamiento de mentores con aprendices (WSMEs): el emparejamiento debe basarse en la alineación de expectativas y objetivos, expectativas de compromiso de tiempo, experiencias, obsequios personales y género.


Informe 1 lecciones aprendidas expectativas

Taller 2 alineación expectativas

Informe 2 lecciones aprendidas expectativas

Ejecución del taller 2

Taller 1 alineación expectativas

Adecuación logística taller 1

Ejecución del taller 1

Impresión de materiales

Convocatoria de alineación de expectativas

Convocatoria taller 2

Convocatoria taller 1

Reclutar e incorporar mentores y WSMEs, incluida la entrega de cualquier capacitación que los mentores y/o aprendices necesiten completar antes de que comience la mentoría.


Suministrarle a cada mentor la caracterización de las empresas a cargo apara la alineación. El mentor se reune para validar expectativas

Informe lecciones aprendidas capacitación

Evaluación capacitación

Taller metodología y reportes mentores

Taller 2 metodología y reportes mentores

Taller 1 metodología y reportes mentores

Asignación de empresas al mentor

Impresión de materiales

Selección y contratación


Notificación selección


Elaboración de informe



Informe lecciones aprendidas

Ejecución convocatoria

Plan de comunicación convocatoria

Definición términos de la convocatoria

Topic principal

Fase 1- Diseño

Phase 1: Design (November - December 2024) (2 months)

This phase will focus on defining the methodological and operational details and the scope of the program. During this phase, the Firm will implement the following activities:


Develop the mentoring methodology and areas of focus:


Determine delivery methods (in-person, virtual), the length of the program, the hours of mentoring that beneficiaries will receive, the number of sessions and timing of the sessions, the sessions’ methodology (1-1 sessions, peer sessions, etc.). NOTE: IFC envisions a mentoring program that has a duration of up to 4 months.


Define the content/focus areas of mentoring to be included in the program, based on WSMEs' challenges to access private sector procurement. It should include both business and personal development focus areas.


Define the recruitment and onboarding process for mentors and mentees (WSMEs):



Define the mentor profile.


Define the mechanisms to identify mentors that fit the profile (e.g. professional networks, employees of corporate buyers, women entrepreneurs, etc.).


Define mentor recruitment and onboarding process (develop application/enrollment form, recruitment strategy, selection and onboarding, and development of training/guides needed to ensure successful mentoring delivery). Training for mentors must be expedited and focused on the explanation of the mentoring methodology, roadmap, expected results, etc.


Elaborate key messages and communications around recruitment and selection, including leaflets or any materials needed to identify, recruit, and onboard mentors.



IFC, with support from the Firm, will define the criteria to select the WSMEs that will participate in the mentoring program. IFC will lead the activities related to the WSME selection process amongst the WSMEs that complete the bootcamps. Criteria to select WSMEs include but are not limited to economic activities with high potential demand from corporate buyers (based on the S2E Colombia market study); location near corporate buyer’s production/business centers; previous experience with corporate procurement; and willingness to engage in mentoring.


Develop the application form for WSME registration and definition of the business and personal development areas of focus during the mentoring process. This will allow for effective matchmaking and the mentor to focus on relevant issues during the process. Define WSME invitation and onboarding processes, including the development of any training and guides for WSMEs.


Define the matchmaking process.


Define the recruitment and onboarding process for mentors and mentees (WSMEs):



Define the mentor profile.


Define the mechanisms to identify mentors that fit the profile (e.g. professional networks, employees of corporate buyers, women entrepreneurs, etc.).


Define mentor recruitment and onboarding process (develop application/enrollment form, recruitment strategy, selection and onboarding, and development of training/guides needed to ensure successful mentoring delivery). Training for mentors must be expedited and focused on the explanation of the mentoring methodology, roadmap, expected results, etc.


Elaborate key messages and communications around recruitment and selection, including leaflets or any materials needed to identify, recruit, and onboard mentors.



IFC, with support from the Firm, will define the criteria to select the WSMEs that will participate in the mentoring program. IFC will lead the activities related to the WSME selection process amongst the WSMEs that complete the bootcamps. Criteria to select WSMEs include but are not limited to economic activities with high potential demand from corporate buyers (based on the S2E Colombia market study); location near corporate buyer’s production/business centers; previous experience with corporate procurement; and willingness to engage in mentoring.


Develop the application form for WSME registration and definition of the business and personal development areas of focus during the mentoring process. This will allow for effective matchmaking and the mentor to focus on relevant issues during the process. Define WSME invitation and onboarding processes, including the development of any training and guides for WSMEs.


Define the matchmaking process.

Definición proceso de reclutamiento mentores
Diseño del marco de evaluación y monitoreo


Define monitoring and evaluation framework (M&E):


Define with IFC team the mechanisms to track progress (outputs, outcomes and impact), based on recommendations from IFC and M&E data to be collected. M&E data will include indicators that are relevant to IFC’s S2E monitoring and evaluation program.

Diseño de instrumentos para recolecciónd de información

Diseño de indicadores




Define the mentor profile.


Define the mechanisms to identify mentors that fit the profile (e.g. professional networks, employees of corporate buyers, women entrepreneurs, etc.).


Define mentor recruitment and onboarding process (develop application/enrollment form, recruitment strategy, selection and onboarding, and development of training/guides needed to ensure successful mentoring delivery). Training for mentors must be expedited and focused on the explanation of the mentoring methodology, roadmap, expected results, etc.


Elaborate key messages and communications around recruitment and selection, including leaflets or any materials needed to identify, recruit, and onboard mentors

Vinculación de mentores

Diseño metodologia entrenamiento

Diseño taller socialización mentores y aprendices

Desarrollo de metodologías

Diseño sistema selección y vinculación

Propuesta entrevistas

propuesta convocatoria

Diseño estrategia de reclutamiento

Incluye los mensajes claves y los mecanismos de comunicación requerido para identificar, reclutar

Desarrollo instrumentos para vinculación

Definición fuentes de reclutamiento

Definición del perfil

Desarrollo metodología de mentoria


Develop the mentoring methodology and areas of focus:


Determine delivery methods (in-person, virtual), the length of the program, the hours of mentoring that beneficiaries will receive, the number of sessions and timing of the sessions, the sessions’ methodology (1-1 sessions, peer sessions, etc.). NOTE: IFC envisions a mentoring program that has a duration of up to 4 months.


Define the content/focus areas of mentoring to be included in the program, based on WSMEs' challenges to access private sector procurement. It should include both business and personal development focus areas.

Desarrollo del plan de acción de mentoria

Determine delivery methods (in-person, virtual), the length of the program, the hours of mentoring that beneficiaries will receive, the number of sessions and timing of the sessions, the sessions’ methodology (1-1 sessions, peer sessions, etc.). NOTE: IFC envisions a mentoring program that has a duration of up to 4 months.


Define the content/focus areas of mentoring to be included in the program, based on WSMEs' challenges to access private sector procurement. It should include both business and personal development focus area

Diseño de la estructura organizacional para la ejecución de la mentoría

Diseño base de datos mentor-aprendiz-empresa SWME-empresa Buyer

Diseño de contenidos mentoría

Incluye la identificación de puntos críticos y el diseño de estrategias financieras para atender las necesidades de capital.

Diseño de videos para capacitación de aprendices. Diseño contenidos en la plataforma BS. Guias y creación de comunidad académica. Blogs entre empresarias de la ola. Ruta de aprendizaje personalizada.Rúbrica

Diseño plan personalizado par cada empresa y asignación de recursos

Definición de objetivos

Priorización de áreas de mejora

Establecimiento de metas


Elaboración informe de brechas

Empresa/ Buyer

Caracterización de necesidades, expectativas y especificaciones técnicas de las empresas Buyer y los criterios de selección de sus proveedores

Empresas SMWE/ emprendedoras

Incluye la caracterización de aspectos personales y técnicos. : toma de decisiones, uso de los ingresos. Incluye expectativas.

Una especie de NUD. Aquí podria ingresar el tutor generalista