Categories: All - tornadoes - volcanoes - earthquakes

by Paige Cunningham 3 years ago


Natural Systems: What Is Fixed?

Natural systems are driven by complex geological and atmospheric processes that shape the Earth. Volcanoes, typically symmetrical and solitary, form due to subduction and can appear along divergent boundaries.

Natural Systems: 
  What Is Fixed?

Natural Systems: What Is Fixed?

Geological Eras

-The era that we are living in -The continents take on their present shape -Humans emerge and develop
-The third oldest era -Dinosaurs and reptiles ruled -Mammals first appeared -The asteroid ended this era
-The second oldest era -The first organisms appeared on land (reptiles, insects) -The Appalachian Highlands were formed
-The Oldest Era -The first multi and single celled organisms (in the water) -The Canadian Shield was formed

Forces Building Up and Down

-Snow falls faster than it melts creating a fern (hard ice) -Its heavy weight causes it to move, creating new land forms like valleys and waterfalls -A form of erosion
-Rocks and other parts of the geosphere are broken -Weathering and erosion go hand in hand; weathering makes a mess and erosion cleans it up
-Carries away broken parts of the geosphere -Wind, water, and ice cause this -Lots of mountains have been eroded, like the Appalachian mountains and the Canadian Shield
-Where two tectonic plates rub together (Transform Boundary) -Friction causes seismic waves, which result in earthquakes -Mountains can form, one side being steep along the fault line
-Happens when convergent boundaries push against each other and wrinkle -The highest mountains were made by folding -The Western Cordillera was formed by folding

Natural Regions

Western Cordillera
-Consists of all rock types -Located on the Pacific coast -Formed from folding when the Pacific Plate converged with the North American Plate
Appalachian Highlands
-Consists mostly of sedimentary rock -Formed in the Paleozoic era -Heavily eroded; used to be mountains, now only hills
Canadian Shield
-Covers a little less than half of Canada -Consists mostly of igneous rocks -Made in the Precambrian era

Natural Disasters

-Occurs when high air pressure and low air pressure winds meet -Winds circulate and create a tunnel, which makes an updraft which makes the tornado reach the clouds
-Happens due to tectonic plate movement -Strongest around fault lines -Mostly happens at transform boundaries
-They usually stand alone and are symmetrical -Forms due to subduction -Can form on divergent boundaries

Plate Tectonics

-Two pate rubbing against each other -This makes seismic waves which results in earthquakes
-Two plate tectonics moving apart -Volcanoes can form along these boundaries
-Two plate tectonics pushing together -"Subduction" is when an ocean plate get pushed below a continental plate

Rock Cycle

-"Metamorphic" means "Changed" -Used to be sedimentary of igneous rock -Changed due to heat and pressure -Examples include marble and gneiss
-Formed in a process that starts with weather and ends in lithification -Forms in layers -Examples include sandstone and limestone
-"Igneous" means "Fire" -Rocks made from cooled magma -Mostly found around volcanoes -Examples include granite and obsidian