by Declan Walsh 1 year ago
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MP: Frankl was discovering the meaning of life and his purpose
"If there is a meaning to life at all then, there must be a meaning in suffering. Suffering is an eradicable part of life even as fate and death. Without suffering and death, human life cannot be complete." (77)
Frankl had realized what suffering had meant, and that suffering was necessary to fully embrace life, from now on Frankl and the other camp members were not going to create illusions on the camp and stop ignoring the torture from the camp but do view the suffering as opportunities for achievement.
"Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved." (38.)
Develop a "why" or purpose
"Life does not mean something vague, but something very real and concrete, just as life's tasks are very real and concrete...Sometimes man may be required simply to accept his fate and bear his cross...But when a man finds that his destiny is to suffer, he will have to accept his sufferings as a task." (77-78)
Frankl is saying that his "why" in life is to stay alive and re do his manuscript. He uses his inner thoughts as motivation that he will make it out alive of the camps and complete his goal.
Frankl and the other people had become numb to the pain
How do the prisoners respond?
loss of hope
"At that moment I became intensely conscious of the fact that no dream, no matter how horrible, could be as bad as the reality of the camp which surrounded us, and which I was about to recall" (52.)
Frankl saw a man having a terrible nightmare, screaming in his sleep and when he woke up he wasn't even relived to have woken up because reality was worse then his nightmare.
What are the characteristics of this phase?
0 emotion
"One by one prisoners approached the still warm body. One grabbed the remains of a messy meal of potatoes, another decided that the corpse's wooden shoes were an improvement on his own, and exchanged them." (39.)
suicidal thoughts
"There was nothing more to expect of life"
He found his child in a foregin country
Shock, as the prisoners were in the train they were all very anxious when they saw Auschwitz "The very name that stood for all that was horrible." There Identities were taken, they were given a number and there number was there new name. They were shaved until there was nothing left to shave on there body, they were sleeping in 6-8 foot beds with 9 other people in it, they would use their shoes for pillows.
How did Frankl respond?
“Somewhere it is said that man cannot exist without sleep for more then a stated number of hours.Quite wrong! (17)
Cold Curiosity
What were the characteristics of this phase?
Sleeping in 6-8 foot beds with 2 blankets with 9 men
"On each tier (measuring six and a half to 8 feet) slept nine men, directly on the boards. Two blankets were shared by each nine men.
The sleeping conditions were terrible, if you were a light sleeper you now sleep with 8 other people 1 foot away from you.
Identities Taken
“All we possessed, literally was our naked existence.” (15)