Categories: All - environment - crisis - social - disasters

by Daniela Taborda 5 years ago



In the foreseeable future, society faces significant challenges, including a potential global economic crisis and an increase in natural disasters. The economic crisis is anticipated to disrupt the current way of life, leading to severe social issues as communities struggle without the financial comforts they previously enjoyed.


The three most relevant challenges our society will face in the future

A global economic crisis

Why this crisis will impact the world that we know today?
Being deprived from the world we know today, with all the accommodations that money gives us, will start crisis between the communities and their individuals. In consequence a huge amount of social problems will appear.
When will it happen? Where it will impact first in the daily life?
Time and Impact

It will affect the smallest producers specifically in the food area, then will go to the cleaning items along with the really most expensive investment like cars, TV's and cellphones.

The time isn't exact but because of the current international relations it could be in 10-15 years from now or earlier.

What will trigger the situation and Who will be responsible?
Possible causes and responsables

The governments

disastrous scenarios like a war or cyberwar which requieres an important investment from money that could be used in more important causes.

The enmity between nations because of Who's the most powerful?

An increase of natural disasters

When is going to start the biggest caos for humanity?
Really soon, this is a situation that can affect the human race in every sense, we are speeding up the process, we shouldn't be surprise if in less of ten years from now horrible events start happening.
Where the most impacts will be and in consequence who is going to be the most affected communities?
Natural disasters impact all lands, but mainly coasters ones because of the extreme proximity to nature itself. These kind of catastrophes cause insane damage, it can be structural, economical or humanitarian

poorer people are the most extremely affected ones, the tend to loose everything and thousands of deaths are caused by the disaster.

What factors will cause this? Why we are so close to not being able to stop it from happening?
No big changes have been occurring to turn around the current situation, and a incredibly big population of the world is completely ignorant about the struggles we are living.
Natural disasters are caused by nature itself, but in recents years it has been seen how frequent they are becoming due to the global warming caused mostly by the human negative impact on the environment.

A global severe hunger crisis

Who are going to suffer the most from the hunger? When will it reach the most critical point?
There are so many factors that contribute to this crisis that are in a current increase and so on is the possibility of occurring more promptly the global hunger, about 20 years from now
Populations who have limited natural resources and economics to afford the production, exportation and importation of food.
What could mean having a global hunger crisis? Where the economic aspect plays part in the crisis?

Money is the number one way to obtain food, and not every country has the same capital or power to buy the food its population requires

No eating corresponds to a obtaining deficit of the requirements the body makes, as a result an insane number of deaths will occur, affecting the human population specifically children and elderly.

Why the world hasn't been able to solve this issue?
Currently a big part of the worlds population is going through some sort of hunger crisis, due to individual o social aspects of the country they belong to.

Mostly the reason why it hasn't being able to solve the issue is because of all the problems that occur between international relations, where countries won't supply the other with the food they need because of hostility or not enough money and favors.