Categories: All - counting - orientation - geometry - transport

by Júlia Roselló 4 years ago



The topic of means of transport can be used to enhance various educational disciplines for children. Sequencing activities might include continuing patterns of different vehicles, such as planes and cars.


Disciplines to be worked on through the topic of means of transport


Making use of a checkered map where a character hasto meet the prize. Let the child make the right turns in order to meet the prize: E.g: A character has to meet his lost car.


Grouping up several equal figures to then take some away for the child to subtract them: E.g. 5 planes, if we take away 2, we have 3 left.


Grouping up several equal figures por the child to count them: E.g. 5 motorcycles, 3 trains, etc.

Mixing several different figures for the child to count how many there are of each. E.g. 4 cars, 2 boats, and 3 airplanes.


Continuing a sequence made out of means of transport: E.g. Plane- car- plane-car


Activities such as
Puzzles with geometric shapes

Naming the specific shapes on a figure made out of geometric shapes: E.g. A train