Categories: All - development - operations - projects - training

by ric Thompson 3 years ago


OSOS copy

The individual in question has an extensive professional background spanning over 27 years in the offshore industry, where they have held various roles from technical assistant to rigger, scaffolder, crane operator, and diver, working in 44 countries and undertaking 376 business trips.

OSOS copy

New job ad created in seek

this currently flows through to job openings in Zoho ( currently automated )-

NOTE we are wasting by filling in candidate info into mobilisation tracker before they are approved by the client - how can we jump this step to after the client has approved - what will autonmation look like.
recruitment ( shane )- reviews CV's in zoho and unassociates unsuitable candidates ( need to talk to Matt about CV's being unassociated then associated by us because all new cvs go into associated ( so an extra first step in front of associated where seek resumes go )-
Call associated candidates to discuss role

Not suitable - advise candidate eg ( not suitable fot this current role but we will be in touch etec etc

If suitable format cv and we submit cv to client for approval

Client rejects

advise candidate theyt are unsuccessful as per previous process and remove from associated job in Zoho.

these candiadtes are still in the zoho system ( unassociated ) - and can search using the candidates tab up top - we can search using search and then can filter - search will pull up keywords within candidates resume.

NOTE very important that as muchv detail is entered and updated to ensure effectiveness of filter search. ie address for location filter - this is best done on the laptop in recruit with candidates cv open so we can add skillset that may not be populated by his CV - including details for filters like address ( we need to have seek resume population into recruit tag the fjob applied for )

Client approves

reccruitment then sends onboarding email to mobilisation team ( Michelle ) - and Gemma - Sonia ( but needs to be removed from that responsiobility ) -and calls candidate they have been approved by the client and that they are being handed over to the mobilisation team.

Onboarding team calls candidate to welcome to team and are sending onboarding email / packl to candidate and enters candidate details intp Mobilisation tracker .

upon receipt of quals and certs -mob team reviews and identifies any missing information , training required,and creates a new personnel folder ( file ) in sharepoint and name convention certs ( if anything is outstanding or out of date we seek approval for training ( training request form to be developed ) - submit to training manager ( Sonia ) for financial approval for the expenditure against that job ( ie may only be 2 days work therefore no training or candidates pay for it thermselves or may seek payment from the client ( ? ) and book approved training with prefferred training provider ( contact candidate by phone or email or both with training required and what dates they are available ( we normally can see what slots are available on rto website ) / email the rto with booking request with dates - once booking confirmation received from rto send calender invite to candidate containi0ng the booking details and booking confirmation. ( booking confirmation contains all pdf info files but also has main poinsadded as text in the message with possibly a hyperlink to training portal ) ( instructions at bottom of email opn how to accept or decline the invite for the training so that we get calender update ) then update the excel mob tracker with cert details and dates ( also booking dates - but rto details of training not added to tracker ) - and send out request for any missing or addtional info

NOTE - due to delays in getting appointments for medical we are sending people to training befor e they pass their medical - solution? can we put a training cost clause for reimbursement for cancelled offer by candidate, or find better medical service ( future tracking of medical and training costs ( losses ) to get oversight on whether our own medical service and training rto and financially viable - or perhaps a JV )

NOTE how can we name convention certs and quals to automate this process - clients require name convention certs etc so that - we currently pull up training reports via tracker mobilisation dates and choose the date range. ( everything manual ) - we need this in CRM linked to Analytics for real data.

Book medicals - details and booking dates into Mob tracker - ( may only require DAS if going to sane site within 28days or client specific ) Once results received extract fit for work and das pages ( normally a PDF ( adobe acrobat ) and send to client via outlook -

Issue any client onboarding forms to candidate, and enter into tracker that we have sent them to candidate , once received back - send through to client and update tracker that client paperwork has been received ( we do not add to tracker that we have sent info to client ) updtae tracker with ready to mobilise and email client to confirm mob date ( because mob date need to be added to letter of offer and contract ) and tracker updated with new mob date if required.

send candidate letter of offer and contract ( was Michelle sending this but will now be Claires responsibility as she has access to all of the pay rates ) all of this window needs to be templated and pushed through zoho - Claires responsibility to chase up contract returns ( zoho must have accees rules for this part of process )

Enter returned contract in to zoho ( should be just the signed page extracted from whatever format candidate emails back as this is not an electronic signature. This is a fillable PDF but needs to be linked to electroninc signature page. And full contract saved in personnel folder in sharepoint

Now mob team do follow up call to ensure that candidate has received flights from client, picked up or received ppe and received mob details for arrival process and contact name and number on arrival -

payroll processes

we use calender in outlook ( updates from accepted or declined invites to monitor and potentially send ? phone reminder to candidates that they have an appointment to attend. Can this be automated in zoho so that the rtos and training auto updates to zoho calender without cut and paste to outlook.

Candidate emails are via outlokk in the admin email and once certs etc downloaded we file the email into outlokk folder ( filter style of folder tree )

NOTE - we need ability to email and file from zoho



49% owner of OSOS
Back ground in labour hire - met Pete how?

Petes mum Zita

What role in Sth Queensland

Peter Harris

Boola Buja???
Kep Kanana
Mark and Trent - now defunct - what is status of asic registration etc
will distribute to OSOS who our partners are _ overview
41% owner of OSOS

Aunty Shirley

communities with arsenic in their water - bring in water from atmoshere water makers ( AWG's ), couple with solar and develop hydroponic training at the school level. Train community to maintain accomodation for visiting technicians - ( also train community as technicians ? ) Access health grants to contribute to costs of solar and water for provision of electricity and water for eg dialysis treatment.
Role at OSOS?
New York, Geneva, Tuscany
Accountant, CFO, business coach, knowledge on Pastoral, Oil and Gas ( Icthys ) Mining, renewables, land formations, Indigenous uptake of renwable / techknowledgy


Who am I? not Jackie Chan...
Joined OSOS as Operations Manager - met Mark about 8 years ago through a cold call requesting info on offshore rates and high risk training -( I'm in the Worksafe Assessor directory ), discussed business opportunities many times and worked for Mark as a supervisor ( Rigging, Scaffolding, Rope Access, Cranes, Logistics, for Clough offshore at Wheatstone).
Joined Monadelphous - Co-Ordinator and Superintendent for 4 plus years -sitting with Engineering teams putting together shutdowns, tenders and various projects mainly as offsite technical support - most of my visible role would be doing Autocad designs for scaffolding or running a project / shut if we did not have a superintendent available
Owned Compass Indusrty Training - one man operation with friends subcontracting or visa versa for 12 years where I could mix up offshore with High Risk Training and just about every other course including Police and Navy, Contract trouble shooting ( International ), HSE advise and Auditing.
27 years offshore - worked from TA to Rigger/ scaffolder/ crane op, Diver ( not official ) drove the barges, fast boat operator, ESO, to 3 IC step up 2 IC. all around the world 44 countries, 376 business trips, broad expertise but specializing in DSV DP ROV Sat Dive Operations.
Business structure with registers and date range alerts for eg insurance, asic registration. Also corporate key etc
Training modules inline with Zoho system roll out
Zoho systems development
Personal staff development

Leadership - whole brain


Mobilization coordinator



business accumen


company structure and shares


whole brain


5 year plan

Financial goals

Financial goals - financially stable = looks like = do a financial management course = small business development course

who am I

Wants - travel to new zealand, greece, eguiypt, singapoer, pop form malaysia and to malaysia - , (at one stage maybe owen a beauty salon - ( you tube channel) -

what type of study

dislikes -

Friends and family, Hobbies makeup make up friends events, pay for makeup -jack russell =chiwawa - reading psycho thrillers,Loves the bush

Fail Forward

whole brain / Briggs Myer

communication and confidence

taking notes for addressing during or at end of day ( debrief )


ist test

Upstream Energy
Mick Evans - what relationship can we develop/support for Upstream labour Hire?
South Qld
QLD - Chinchilla - Uncle Roland
Origin Energy
Inland Rail?
Equinox ( jnr Miner )
QLD tie-in
Clough contract ?
Arrow Energy
DNV certification
Shared Warehouse

blinds manufacturing?

Manufacturing on Demand

continuous weld plus additive to become 30% stronger

Supper duplex connections

Hand sanitizer dispensers

Tony Moses at aml 3d for osos in Adelaide
Tonkin Gap Alliance
SRG Global


SG controls
HR Elements
ESI Alphatec
DDR / Duratec


Garden Island?

Caledonia MOU

2 x traineeships at Garden Island

Aerison Pty Ltd

To Do

Website Update
controlled by Dean Graham

add partners page to website Rams, Halson, caledonina probably be logos with hyperlinks added to bottom of cap stats on website - make website lgogos (? ) look more like our experience not our partners


Also update capability statement with supply nations to certified

supply nations images change from registered to certified

update 3 x capability statements

Alternative to Mindomo with time date actions?
Tax - deducting vehicles? etc what are we missing...have we done an accounting analysis and checklist for the business on all costs and potential cost savings? What is our Tax Plan? Who has Corporate Key?
What are out RTO ecosts and how does that compare to a JV with a small RTO or developing our own? ( coupled with Medical )
Develop company induction online for values and expectations but also point of contact for unexpected demob etc - employee to agree to induction terms = grounds for termination if not followed Get outsourced HR and HSE to give us risk assessment on our business for Induction and site visit / audit requirements.
Company facebook / Linked In pages -how are we advertising
Software licencing and other undocumented costs - where is the account oversight - talk to Claire ( Octect ?)
understand and register employee access to systems to enable oversight but also ease of demob
Defined job positions with TNA for recruiting new personnel
centralize files and company info with access rules what is the backend access and regular checks and balances on the accounts iegambling
update linked In
what is info@ososalliance email ?
Name change of company - pay for search ranking above Ososglobal - do seo analysis of labour hire company and Indigenous labour hire or similar
Understand workerly and systems for Claire
Training for Shane
Fail Forward for Gemma 5%
New recruiter Add in seek
Zoho Suite
Business Mind Map with registers and time / date alerts ( excel ?)
Leadership for staff
Training Modules
utilise keyword help / search system
Website update


Zohos' word app
Payroll export to ? this is separate Zoho(?) app outside of normal packages
collect files and securely share externally with rules - can this replace sharepoint?
Group email inbox - max 3 inbox's
Survey Monkey
send out client surveys on candidates
prorata billing for Zoho subsscriptions
agile project management
signatures for contract offers - set up rules and forward?
online workshops
Zohos powerpoint app
Zohos excel app
Sales IQ
replaces Google Analytics
email - for who - sales personnel?
no OSOS automations yet -

Create Blueprint ( Mindomo ) - flow chart with actions , also escalations and identify straight jacket issues

HR component - can register paysheets but not for candidates or contractor - ideally for long term staff
Video call with Matt - no camera from me on Microsoft can meet anyone but run by Cliq ( inhouse software ) so need Cliq account to work
feature allows comment from others but not sent to the client - linked to CRM - pulls up CRM candidate history / contacts - can we also have team members using the same email but can track which account
online forms - can be integrated to one app ie CRM only????
back end connection development of apps - like Zapier
auto upload of receipts in the field ie lunch with client - for staff not contractors - scan receipts from phone can link to customer in CRM to see what cost spent attracting each customers business
Raise internal tickets ( integrated to CRM ) - can assign tickets, can get metrics and link to Analytics
can share live progress reports with the client with rules
enabled but not activated

calc %, leads sales?, integrate tasks between apps, set up company business alert in this?

App builder used by Matt - extra cost for app development unless a simple request

Task management in connect

create groups eg Chevron, social groups - can be open or closed or invite only, ( in group can create manuals, can set up in files ( collaborate ) and set up event for a group. Can set up digital whiteboard and connect to Cliq
like teams but can integrate with different apps
take payments like donations via stripe then to charity credit card.
Like mailchimp but linked to CRM - email marketing
Matt uses keypay via Intrahub due to his use of contractor ( no payroll in Australia ) Does the same as Xero - main advantage of books is full integration ie don't have to download Xero to check accounts - ??? - but it does not have payroll - ???
organise meetings - can set available timeslots for meetings and people can set online meetings for available timeslots - what Matt used for video chat with me
single business owner CRM
event and tradeshow management
can link to xero, can also link to Linked In - Facebook for better metric insights

Create New Account created by Mark and Pete Email sent to admin of new vacancies, enter new job openings into Zoho ( gemmas role but more training required - so being done more attention to detail required. Needd to ensure adequate info is given to open the job and have clear idea of client and location

Add new clients
Aim to complete 10 x reference checks
Weekly table of OSOS personnel to Client
Payroll Queries
Zoho needs
dashboard to show latest actions ie latest applications from seek - instead of it associating immediately to a job. Need to be able to see the latest actions in dashboard so that we can immediately see which accounts to open first and then which resumes etc have just arrived - though this is dated but applies to all actions like offered or hired ( check filters )
Find Candidates on Seek
Excel Mobilisation Tracker

needs to be filled out by hand

need Zolo solution with alerts and automation.

Submit CV to client

Approved - email admin to begin onboarding

Send table of approved personnel with mob dates / project to client to confirm no changes

Advise client of medical / DAS booked dates

Send personnel pack including PPE sizes and contact / emergency contact

Update tracker with certs

Chase all docs, both medical and inductions if required

Call candidate to advise they are now in contract

Change tracker to approved

Tuesday and Thursday send table of candidates to client for update

Rejected - update Zoho with notes and withdraw CV from tracker and what does this look like?

Send predoc s email to candidate

Candidate replies with certs and quals

Naming conventions and save in personnel folder

Upload to Zoho

Email CV back to ????????? and add candidate to tracker
Format CV
Upload CV to Zoho
Add CV to personnel folder


Create personnel folder
Send email to

to down load CV's

Call Candidates
Add to shortlist