Categories: All - treatment - pathways - metabolism - dopamine

by Qabas Al-Jobori 1 year ago


PD MedChem

In the context of Parkinson's disease, dopamine plays a crucial role within the basal ganglia, where two primary pathways—the direct and indirect pathways—regulate movement. Dopamine acts as a modulator in these pathways, influencing various functions such as reward, emotion, cognition, memory, and motor activity.

PD MedChem

PD MedChem

Treatment of Symptoms

"Off" episodes

-functionalized derivative of caffeine -antagonist of adenosine A2a receptors -potentiate the antiparkinsonian action of L-dopa -useful in reducing "off" eps b/w doses -dose adjust req w/ strong CYP3A4 inhibitors + impaired hepatic function -CI w/ CYP3A4 inducers -cause/exacerbate LIDs + psychosis

Pimavanserin: agonist of 5-HT, FDA for hallucinations/delusions in PD pts

Metabolized by CYP3A4, strong inhibitors and inducers affect exposure

Prolongs QT interval --> avoid in pts at risk for cardiac arrhythmias

Atypical antipsychotics (2nd gen): clozapine or quetiapine

PD Agents

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor

-NMDA antagonists -treats L-dopa induced dyskinesias (LIDs) in PD pts -similar in SAR to Alzheimer's drug memantine -basic amine, protonated at physiologic pH -lipophilic cage --> CNS entry -ADEs: confusion, hallucinations

Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors

Trihexphenidyl, benztropine
Dopamine Receptor Agonists
Non-ergot DA Receptor agonists


-New D1/2/3 agonist delivered as transdermal path to provide 24hr coverage -NOT affected by hepatic/renal/CYP-mediated so DDI are not sig


-agonists of all D2 Rs and among the most commonly prescribed direct DA RA for PD -metabolized by CYP1A2


-agonists of all D2 Rs and among the most commonly prescribed direct DA RA for PD

Ergot Alkaloid


-full D2 agonist + partial agonist at D3/4 w/ long half-life (48hrs)


-partial agonist at D2/3 -1st direct DA RA used in the txt of PD

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibits (MAOis)

-Modulate dopaminergic & glutamanergic signaling via multiple mechanisms: -MAO-B inhibition (reversible, 1000x selective for MAO-B) -modulation of certain Na/K channels -use: reduce "off" time and extend "on" time without dyskinesias in pts taking carb/levo -no effect on BP/HR -CI w/ certain antidepressants due to risk of serotonin syndrome -Metabolism: non-p450 mediated


-Class/MOA same as above -DOES NOT produce amphetamine metabolites


CYP-mediated N-dealkylation produces amphetamine metabolites --> POTENT vasoconstrictors

-Selective** irreversible inhibitor of MAO-B -SAR: terminal alkyne is the functional group that forms the covalent bond w/ protein

reversible COMT Inhibitors

L-dopa metabolism inhibited in periphery --> Inhibit DA metabolism by COMT in the CNS --> enhance L-dopa DOA


-shorter DOA -only acts in periphery -reduce wearing off symptoms of pts on L-dopa -available in fixed dose combo w/ carb/levo


-Longer DOA -reduce wearing off symptoms of pts on L-dopa -acts both in the CNS and periphery -black box warning due to 3 fatal cases of acute liver failure

Metabolism of DA & L-Dopa

Enhancing DA exposure in CNS:
Halting the peripheral metabolism of L-dopa shunts metabolic pathway to COMT --> inhibition of peripheral COMT --> extension of half-life of L-dopa --> more L-dopa uptake into the CNS
ADEs: -N/emesis --> greatly reduced by reduction in peripheral DA concentrations -chronic use of L-dopa --> prominent dyskinesias
-+ of carbidopa can extend the elimination half-life of L-dopa -cabidopa is NOT CNS penetrant (unlike L-dopa), and is inhibitor of AADC
In the metabolism process, only 1% of orally admin L-Dopa reaches the brain as DA --> Solution: halting the conversion of L-Dopa to DA in the periphery should boost L-dopa taken up into CNS
Metabolism of DA: -COMT -MAO

Dopamine Receptors

In the basal ganglia circuitry, there are 2 pathways from the cortex: direct & indirect.

Processes under Dopaminergic control: -reward -emotion -cognition -memory -motor activity
-DA is a modulator of neurotransmission (not excitatory or inhibitory) -Loss of DA in the striatum --> reduced excitatory input to the cortex

High DA conc --> a adrenergic R --> vasoconstriction + life threatening HTN

Mod DA conc. --> B adrenergic R --> inc cardiac contractility

Low DA conc. --> D1 R stim --> vasodilation + ortho hypoTN

Inhibitory D2 (D2, D3, & D4)
Coupled to Gi/o, decrease cAMP, inc K current and dec voltage gated Ca currents
Excitatory: D1 type (D1 & D5)
Coupled to Ga2, activating the cyclic AMP-PKA pathway
