Categories: All - adoption - software - collaboration - guidelines

by Nasim Ibrahim 11 years ago


Personal Mindomo

Exploring the transformative impact of Enterprise 2.0, it becomes clear that the shift from the older web paradigm to a more interactive and social web has numerous benefits. Emphasizing the collective intelligence of crowds, this new approach leverages the wisdom of many over a few to shape businesses more effectively.

Personal Mindomo

Personal Mindomo

Day 5

The shifts from Enterprise 1.0 to 2.0

Day 4

Using Believers

always the new entrants are reflexive users of ESSPs

Turning of Old

Eliminate the old products and force adoption of the new ESSPs

guidlines for leaders to deploy new social softwers
Show the Enterprise is valued

Measure progress, not ROI
Move EESPs to the flow
Communicate , Educate ,and Evangelize
prepare for the Long Haul
Determine desired result , then deploying appropraite ESSPs
Wisdom of crowds

Many are smarter than few . we can use this collective wesidom shapes bussineses . its better to put the heads together

Day 3

Benefit of Enterprise 2.0

This chapter spokes about benefits of Enterprise 2.0 . which i think the most imortant feature of that is helping people to interact and colloborate . The important shift from web1.0 to web 2.0 is realization that Software should be social , helping people find another and form communities .

Enterprise 2.0 help you to publish what you now and also what you dont now wich is called braod cast search like and Wikipidia .

Self organization
collective intelligence
Network formation and maintenance
Broadcast search
group editing

Day 2

Blog as a tool for converting potential ties
Wiki As a tool for strong ties
Bull's eye

Bull's eye in Enterprise two show the four ties which are strong, weak , potential and no ties in a company . we can use different softwares like Google docs , Wiki , Face book , Gmail and so on , according to the type of our tie . for strongly ties collegues we can use Wiki and for weakly ones we can use Facebook .

Day 1

O'Reilly' Meme Map

Web 2.0 :

Undresting that Network is the platform .

Users add value the tools .

Use all the tools to organize information and having more colloboration and interact wirh colegues at work .


I learned how to use these useful tools , although some of them like twitter , Facebook , Youtube , Linked In I used it before but to be honset i didnt think about to use it in bussiness and our organziation before . Now i think they can be usefull if we use them in our company .

Google Drive