Categories: All - producción - proceso - mercado - empresa

by Elam Gomez 3 years ago


produccion y empresa

Las empresas desempeñan un papel crucial en la economía al participar activamente en diversos sectores como el primario, secundario y terciario. Cada sector tiene su especialización, desde la agricultura y ganadería hasta la industria textil y servicios como el comercio y la sanidad.

produccion y empresa

produccion y empresa


el proceso productivo

Include a complete breakdown of the costs of your marketing plan. Try to be as accurate as possible. You’ll want to keep tracking your costs once you put your plan into action.

la importancia
mejorar productos o proceso productivo

Assign a budget for advertising and online campaigns.

proceso tecnico
permite producir mas con los mismos recursos

How many of those opportunities close as new deals?

los objetivos de la empresa

A successful marketing strategy is made up of many different tactics, including both online and offline options. Your goals, target audience, and industry play an important role in this decision.

minimizar de costos

Before planning the content for your newsletters, consider the following questions, then analyze the outcome.

aumentar el valor de mercado

Engaging with your customers and leads on social media helps you build stronger customer relationships. Keep in mind that the content should be dedicated to the specificity of each platform.


When putting together your content for your website and blog, try to provide value to your customers. Answer the following questions.

Type your answer

What content is currently trending in my niche?

la empresa y sus funciones

Determine what makes your business and its products/services different from others on the market.

funcion productiva

Answering your customer's primary question: 'What's in it for me?'
Make it to the point and state it as a benefit to the customer.

para producir un bien es necesario hacer una divicion
función social

Create phrases about your unique product or service that are short, clear, and concise.

las empresas contribullen a la sociedad de muchas maneras produciendo bienes y servicios
función de riesgo

Think from your customer's perspective decide what emotional need is being specifically met by your product or service.

es cuando se pagan de las materias primas asi poder producir bienes y servicios
funcion de crear valor

List the features and benefits that are unique about your product or service

como crear mesa se necesita trasformar la madera con maquina y algunos trabajadores

sector económicos e internos

A mission statement consists of three components: key market, contribution and distinction. Take your time and define each of them.

sector terciario

What makes the product unique or why the audience should buy it over another?

comercio,hosteria,expectaculos,sanidad etc..
sector secundario

What does your product or service do to contribute to society?

la textil,la naval,siderurgica,quimica..etc
sector primario

Define your the target audience. They are the people who are most likely to buy your products or services, and they are united by some common characteristics, like demographics and behaviors.

agricultura ,ganaderia,pesca,extraccion forestal o minera

la división del trabajo y la especialización

Collect information about the consumers, target markets and the clients of your company to assess how effective and popular your product or service is.

interdependencia económica

Determine what you need to know about your consumers.

factores de producción

Select the gender of your buyers



productores y consumidores

Select the buyer's age range

18 - 2425 - 3536 - 4546 - 5555+
