by Omaya Karim 23 days ago
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This map contains some example checklists that you can modify or delete.
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Read more about how to use checklists in the Mindomo blog.
Voyage organisé
11-13 avril 2025
Réalisation de courts métrages
10 mars - 30 mars 2025
Formation audiovisuelle
Filming & Montage
10 mars 2025
Create your own checklists and add a link to them.
To add a new checklist, press the Insert or TAB key or create a checklist on the spot.
Journée Mondiale de la Langue Anglaise
23 avril 2025
Spelling Bee
Concours du Meilleur Orateur
Create or attach checklist.
7 mai 2025
Add tasks.
To add a new checklist to 'Pôle Culturel', press the Insert or TAB key.
Visite culturelle
When you get new coursework or an assignment, make a plan for completing it.
To add a new step to 'Visite culturelle ', press Insert or Tab key.
Sortie en partenariat avec l’Institut Français pour découvrir l'art et le patrimoine.
Make sure you understand the requirements of the assignment:
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20 mars 2025
Check the deadline date for submission and put it in your calendar.
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Soirée traditionnelle
Make a detailed plan for an exam day. This will reduce stress on the day.
To add a new step to 'Soirée traditionnelle', press Insert or Tab key.
Le15décembre 2024
Any preparatory steps, such as pre-registration or confirmation of attendance.
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Projection des films
As soon as you know the date for an exam, make a revision plan so that you will be ready on the day.
To add a new step to 'Projection des films ', press Insert or Tab key.
pour la soutenance et fin d'études le 13 mai 2025
What resources will you need for revision?
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pour la saint -valentin le 14 février 2025
What topics might be included in the exam? Make sure you have an accurate list and know which are your strongest and weakest areas.
Add any essential detail to help with completion of this step, e.g. notes, a web address or contact details.
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Press Enter to add another step to 'Projection des films '.
éducatif le 26 novembre 2024
Identify the exam subject and number clearly so there is no confusion.
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To add a new checklist to 'Pôle Lecture', press the Insert or TAB key.
Lecture théâtralisée
To add a new step to 'Lecture théâtralisée', press Insert or Tab key.
25 février 2025
Review upcoming deadlines for coursework submissions and make sure you are on track with them.
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Press Enter to add another step to 'Lecture théâtralisée'.