Canadian farming today involves several advanced techniques and machinery to enhance agricultural productivity. Harvesting is performed using combines, which are machines that cut crops efficiently.
Caring for Crops (weeding, fertilizer, pest control)
Weeding by using herbicides - chemicals that kill or alter the growth of weeds
Using manure as a fertilizer to help crops grow
Rotating Crops - different crops are planted in a regular sequence so that a crop that leaches the soil of one kind of nutrient is followed during the next growing season by a crop that returns that nutrient to the soil
Ariel Application - now what is commonly used for what was formerly known as crop dusting - spraying crops with crop protection products from an agricultural aircraft
Processing (Threshing, winnowing)
Processing machinery is used
Spreading seeds over a relatively large area by attaching them to the back of a tractor
A combine uses metal blades to break up the soil, driven by a farmer