Categories: All - executive - jurisdiction - function - membership

by carl hoskin 15 years ago


Relationships - government

The document outlines the distinct roles and powers of various branches of government, including the judiciary, local government, legislature, and the executive. The judiciary interprets and clarifies laws, resolves disputes, and creates case law but cannot enact or repeal statutes.

Relationships - government





The judiciary cannot make or repeal any laws/ acts or statutes


But they can make "case Law" which has been tested through the courts.

  • Interprets the laws passed by the Government
  • Clarifies any "grey areas"
  • Judges
  • Hears specific cases & decides/ resolves disputes.

    "are the Mediators"


  • CAN:
  • Initiate & implement laws
  • Make regulations

  • CANT:
  • Pass Act's
  • Decide outcomes of disputes
  • Delegated legislation's, which they need approval from the Legislature to pass.
  • Control agenda of parliament
  • Oversee government Departments

  • Recommend new laws for consideration & voting by the house.
  • Cabinet Ministers
  • Government Departments
  • Decides policy
  • Drafts bills
  • Administers and enforces acts.
  • Are the "Budget Advisers

  • Have the power to pass bylaws.
  • Delegated powers i.e. can raise levy taxes (but only as rates)

  • Can pass bylaws - some times only enforceable & applicable in one area (of the local council i.e. Napier) the are also bound to adopt & apply laws enacted by parliament.
  • Regional Council Members.
  • Territorial Authorities
  • To adopt policies & rules delegated by Parliament.
  • Have the power to pass bylaws.

    Types of laws made

  • Makes laws, legislation's & Acts.
  • Ratifies treaties.
  • Jurisdiction

    Have the power to pass, amend & repeal laws.

  • CAN:
  • Control the "cheque book", as per budget - directed by the executive. this is money which has been approved for the various government departments i.e. Ministry of health - Hospitals.
  • CANT:
  • Make regulations, these have to be delegated back to the Executive.

  • Membership

  • MP's
  • Select Committee
  • Parliament

  • Function

    To examine, debate & vote on Bills