by Zackary Hendricks 8 years ago
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However, he was neither the first nor the last black man to flee from oppressive bondage.
Notes from a slaves court case: Singweh, a colored man, deposeth and saith, that he was born at Mani, a town in Jopoa in the Mendi country in Africa, and that his king Mahe Katumbo resided at Kwommendi, capital of Jopoa in said Mendi country; that he was sold by Birmaja son of Shaka, king of Gendumah in the Fai country to a Spaniard about 6 moons ago, that he was brought from Lomboka in a vessel with two masts, that he was landed at a village one day from Havanna, where he was kept 5 days, then taken to another village nearer to Havanna where he was kept 5 days more, that he was taken there by night on foot through Havanna to the vessel which brought him from Havanna, that he was driven by force and put on board said vessel; that they sailed the next morning, that by night his hands were confined by irons, that a board said vessel he had not half enough to eat or drink only two potatoes and one plantain twice a day and half a teacup of water morning and evening, that he was beaten on the head by the cook in presence of Pipi, who claims to be his owner, and Montez and that he was told one morning after breakfast that the white man would eat them when they landed.