Categories: All - profitability - marketing - integration - strategy

by Lee Kennedy 17 years ago


Reviewing the Marketing Concept

The concept of marketing encompasses a customer-centric approach, emphasizing the importance of understanding and meeting customer needs, wants, and demands. This approach is often viewed as a pathway to profitability, though its effectiveness and sufficiency are debated.

Reviewing the Marketing Concept

Reviewing the Marketing Concept


Marketing methods are being applied to non-profit objectives and non-business organisations
Use of customer focus as a path to profitability

Customer Focus

Meeting needs wants and demands
Is customer focus enough?
"The business of Marketing is business" - Friedman

Social welfare is the job of elected officals - Gaski

Kotler's conflicts between customer focus and "long-run social welfare"

Integration of Effort

Rarely happens in real life
Marketing "cannot be considered as seperate is the business seen from the point of view of its final result" - Drucker (1973)
Customers are sources of added value - Relationship marekting & Key Account Management
The organisation 'markets', not the marketing department
Marketing is strategic with tactical and operational implications