Categories: All - estimation

by Brendan Flynn 14 years ago


Scrum Checklist

The effective implementation of Scrum methodology within a team setting ensures that the team consistently commits to and delivers their sprint goals while maintaining a manageable workload.

Scrum Checklist

Scrum Checklist

Excelent map! Congrats!

Sprint Backlog (SBL)

Team members have easyaccess to update the SBL
Team members update theSBL themselves (not only SM)
It is clear which task is part of which story
Tasks and stories are clearlydistinguished
Task estimates updated every day
SBL updated every day
SBL is highly visible
Team has a sprint backlog

Sprint Planning Meeting

Same time and place
All stories in the sprint plan have an estimate
All team members think plan is realistic and commit to it (Fist of 5)
Results in Iteration Plan
All team members participate
PO Participates

Burndown Chart

Team takes action whenburndown is too high/low
Burndown chart updated every day
Burndown chart highly visible
Team has a burndown chart


Highest priority PBL are estimated before sprint planning
Top Priority stories are small enough that several can fit in one sprint
Everyone on the team participates in point estimating
Only the team writes the estimates
POis available when team is estimating
PO can get estimates from the team


Velocity is used for release planning
Velocity only includes storiesthat are done according to DoD
Velocity is written down after each sprint

Definition of Done (DoD)

Team in not dependent on others to achieve DoD
DoD includes tests
PO +all team members understand the DoD
Team respects the DoD
Each story has a DoD

Impediment Backlog

Impediments that can't besolved are escalated to PO orline manager
Impediment backlog isprioritized
Impediment backlog isup-to-date
Impediment backlog is visible
Team has impediment backlog

Product Backlog (PBL)

PB contains stories not tasks
Conditions of satisfaction / How to Demo is clear for each story
PBL is updated before sprint planning
PBL is visible
PO owns PBL


No uninvited guests
Everybody Speaks
Some improvement suggestions actually get implemented
Results in concrete improvement suggestions
All team members + PO participate
Retrospective takes place

Product Owner (PO)

PO has at least one dedicated team
PO understands the product enough to prioritize
PO has he power to prioritize what his team does

Sprint Demo

Original sprint plan isshown at beginning ofdemo
Feedback received fromstakeholders during demo
All stakeholders and otherteams are invited to the demo
Only stories that are Done aredemonstrated
Demo shows working code
Demo is done after each sprint


SM focuses on removing imprediments
SM sits with the team
Team has a SM


Team members hold each other responsible
Team members admit problems and ask for help
Team members help each other
Team members collaborate to complete high-priority stories first
Team members not locked into specific roles
Team members collaborate to bring stories all the way to Done.
Team site together

Daily Scrum

Team members address eachother, not the SM
Team members are pullingtasks, rather than SM pushingtasks
PO owner visits daily scrum regularly
No interruptions
Everybody answers the 3 questions
All team members present
Starts and ends on time
Same time, same place every day


Sometimes overcommit,sometimes undercommit.
Other teams & the rest of thecompany know about the sprint
Stakeholders/customers knowabout the sprint
Max 1 day gap between sprints
Team isn't consistently working overtime
Major unplanned items are logged
Sprint length doesn't changeafter each sprint
Problems detected & discussedwhen they occur, not later.
Stories that get started usuallyget finished within same sprint
For each story, team knowswhere to find out more info.
Team alerts PO when there are problems
Team acts when they arebehind schedule
Team usually delivers whatthey committed to
Team follows PO's priorities
Team delivers something after each sprint