Categories: All - identity - approval - values - effort

by Savanna Robbins 2 years ago


Sense of Self- Children develop knowledge, beliefs, judgments, and feelings about themselves.(446)

Children develop a sense of self through their knowledge, beliefs, judgments, and feelings. This development is influenced significantly by the people around them. In a cross-curricular approach, theatre exercises can help children understand their identity by creating alter egos, while English assignments involving personal stories foster self-reflection.

Sense of Self- Children develop knowledge, beliefs, judgments, and feelings about themselves.(446)

Sense of Self- Children develop knowledge, beliefs, judgments, and feelings about themselves.(446)


Self Esteem Quiz


Under: Personal Fable: “They are completely unlike anyone else” (453)
Over: Imaginary Audience: “Everyone’s attention is focused squarely on them” (453).


Contingent Self-worth “They may be so preoccupied with approval from others that they base their own self-worth largely on what others think of them—or at least on what they think others think” (449).
Self-Handicapping: “Reducing effort. Putting forth an obviously insufficient amount of effort to succeed” (448).


Factors that Influence Self-Perception
While a number of factors influence a child’s self-perception, the authors indicate that the people in a child’s life will have the most impact on their self-perception.

Broad Area of Study

Late adolescents generally have completed physical development and grown to their full adult height. They usually have more impulse control by now and may be better able to gauge risks and rewards accurately

Developmental Characteristics

Firmer identity; Ability to delay gratification; Ability to think ideas through; Ability to express ideas in words; More developed sense of humor; Stable interests; Greater emotional stability; Ability to make independent decisions; Ability to compromise


Culture (463)
Ethnic Identity (461)
Gender (458-460)


Friends “Having friends is a critical component in how most children feel about themselves. Friends essentially communicate that children are worthy partners for free time and, as they grow, for honest and open discussions (Corsano, Musetti, Caricati, & Magnani, 2017) (447)
Friends were there for me in the good times and bad times. They walked with me through some of the most difficult times in my life. Friends are more current in my life - they are supporting me as I become an adult
Teachers “Adults outside the family become increasingly influential as children spend more time away from home. Teachers, school nurses, and other practitioners foster a positive sense of self when they have high yet realistic expectations for performance; empathize with children who are lonely, anxious, and depressed; and offer needed support to children to withstand hardships and succeed on difficult tasks” (Baek & Yoo, 2017; M. J. Harris & Rosenthal, 1985; Olowokere & Okanlawon, 2014)
Teachers believed that I was capable of so much more than I could have imagined. They taught me truths that changed my view of myself and the world; they pushed me to be a better person.
Parents “Self-concept emerges in the arms of parents. When caregivers regularly nurture infants with affection and responsive care, infants learn not only that their caregivers love them but that they themselves are worthy of being loved (Bretherton, 1991)” (447)
Good or bad. Your parents shaped who you are. They showed you how to live and develop meaningful relationships with other people.


Create an alter ego: Portray the individual as an entirely separate person while acknowledging the existence of the actor. The character may refer to the actor in the third person, or vice versa.
Your political convictions have a lot to do with your values- use historical events to evaluate your views and make moral connections.
Writing personal stories - what you want to do, scenarios, random personal reflections.