by Shannon C 2 years ago
Student: 17 Year Old Russian Male
Athlete on International Scholarship
A 17-year-old Russian male athlete has secured an international scholarship and is currently placed in Grade 11. He has no gaps in his previous education and excels in mathematics, history, leadership, and psychology courses.
Student: 17 Year Old Russian Male
Athlete on International Scholarship ACCOMMODATIONS When necessary, can seek ESL support from ESL teacher sitting next to peer who speaks L1 Use of L1 to generate ideas Speech to text to generate ideas use of google translate for words and phrases extra time on written assignments Use of word banks Pre-taught vocabulary. TEACHING
STRATEGIES WRITING AND READING Benefits from learning goals and success criteria Writing in L1 first to generate ideas Choice in Reading Use of graphic organizers to organize ideas Use of Google Translate for specific words and phrases VOCABULARY BUILDING Works well with Cloze readings Works well with introducing vocabulary at beginning of a lesson and referencing this throughout the lesson Works well with graphic organizers that help to define words Benefits from pre-teaching vocabulary SPEAKING Enjoys debates Planning out writing Speech to text USE OF L1 With Russian peers For brainstorming and pre-writing VISUALS Benefits from graphic notes (summaries) Benefits from word walls Use of graphic organizers Follows up to lessons with videos SOCIAL/
EMOTIONAL Mentor for younger students Strong work ethic Is billeted with a local family/the school administrator appears to be adjusting well to his new living situation Away from home but has regular contact with Family has lived away from home before but not out of country confides in parents regularly Speaks with brother regularly about goals Natural Leader enjoys his teammates and is making friends really enjoys his new school PRIOR SCHOOLING/ FUTURE GOALS Will be taking SATs and perhaps TEFOL if necessary for school Focus on post-secondary would be hockey/ sports psychology Plans for post-secondary studies with hopes of academic scholarship Will be returning to Russia to take exit test Completed up to Grade 11 in Russia -no gaps STEPS No gaps in previous education Some courses able to be PLAR'd ESL Courses as well as Regular Courses Modifications to curriculum not necessary History Biology Leadership Psychology Mathematics (Functions) is strong ESLCO WRITING Step 3 READING Step 5 ORAL Step 5 Placed in Grade 11 INTERESTS SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY: interested in this topic as a back up plan to sports for his future LEARNING ENGLISH- feels strongly about learning English for his future MEDITATION / POSITIVE MINDSET: very interested in improving lifestyles HOCKEY: on a scholarship for hockey and is determined to continue in the sport SCHOOL WELCOMING/
SUPPORT Support from Hockey Team and Coaches Guidance Councilor support Billeted family - picked up from airport given a welcome package ESL Teacher Support- weekly check in Intake interview pre-arrival to Canada and post arrival