Categories: All - security - terrorism - evolution - violence

by Johanna Lai 13 years ago



Terrorism has evolved over time, with modern tactics becoming increasingly deadly and sophisticated. The primary objective of terrorism is to instill fear to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals.



Modern Strategies Used By Terrorists: The strategies that were being used by the terrorists came to learning after the 1972 Munich Olympics occurred. These strategies made the terrorists more aware about the upcoming attacks that they're going to cause. The terrorists also knew that it was going to get more attention from the other citizens of the world. All they wanted to do now is just kill anyone that blocks their path without even sending an alert to their enemies.

The Key Event that launched Modern Terrorism: The event that launched modern terrorism was the 1972 Munich Olympics. During the Olympic Games, a Palestinian group who was known as the "Black September" kidnapped Israeli athletes from the Olympic Village. This kidnapping was used as a way for the Black September to demand the release of the Palestinian prisoners that were being hold hostage in Munich. However the rescue was unsuccessful and the athletes were killed by the Black September. The reason that this event launched modern terrorism is because of the attention that this event has received from the whole world at that time. This was the event that also brought terrorism into power.

Examples of Modern Terrorism

Attacks in Mumbai, India: On November 26th 2008, there were bombings and shootings that occurred all over Mumbai, killing 164 people including ten of these people who are attackers of this event. This attack was caused by Lashkar-e-Taiba who was led by Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. This attack was nationalism attack because the city was being warned of a possible sea bome attack that was made by Lashkar e-Taiba back on November 18th, 2008.
USS Cole Attack: On October 12th, 2000, a suicide bomb was deployed by Al-Qaeda to the USS Cole ship in Aden, Yemen, killing 17 people and wounding 39 people. This is an example of Terror of State because since Al-Qaeda decided to strike terror in the hearts of the citizens.
Tokyo Subway Sarin Gas Attack: On March 20th, 1995, the Aum Shinrikyo who is a group of people launched a chemical warfare of sarin gas on the trains of the Tokyo metro Subway in Tokyo, Japan killing 13 people and wounding 6,252 people as well. This is an example of domestic terrorism because these terrorists’ attacks occurred for a very long time and it has an unlawful use of any violent acts.
First Attack on the World Trade Center: On February 26th, 1993, Ramzi Yousef and co-conspirators deployed a car bomb at the World Trade Center killing 6 people and wounding 1,042 people. This attack is an example of state-sponsored terrorism because this attack led to revamping the security and played a much bigger role when 9/11 returned into attack that took place once again at the same site .

The difference between terrorism and freedom figther is that the terrorists are using violence to harm the citizens and their as a target. While a freedom fighter used violence wisely as a way to reagain their independence and fight for thier own rights as well as thier country's rights.

A terroist deciding on either going to the ladies bathroom or the insurgent's bathroom.

The Evolution of Terrorism: The evolution of terrorism is that not all of these attacks that the terrorists intend to kill the people. But they want to use terrorism as a way to achieve their goals. Terrorism would be used to frighten their opponents for any political, religious or maybe ideal reasons. As the years go by, the terrorists has tendency to make terrorism become deadlier and more modern than before.

Key Characteristics and Traits of Terrorism: The characteristics of Terrorism are mainly focused on violence which will later involve kidnapping, death, murder or any other crimes of the citizens of this world. The traits of terrorism will be that once a terrorist turns violent, they will forget the good traits of being a human. It will also give the terrorists a chance to challenge themselves into become better and more harmful terrorists than ever before.

Definition and Explanation of Terrorism: The word "terrorism has no true definition. However terrorism is being used to cause any physical harm towards a certain government for several reasons such as religious beleifs, jealously , etc. The terrorism can be used an an act of violence for the terrorists.

The 9/11 Memorial of the World Trade Center: On September 11th, 2011, it was the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attack. A memorial was built on the footprints of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers in New York dedicated to the 2,997 people who lost their lives from that attack on that day. Along with the memorial was the waterfall which was also part of it as well. The waterfall has now been refered to as the largest man-made water fall in the U.S. On that day , the names of the victims of the atttack were unveiled to the families of the vicims and were encrypted in the bronze plates that were on teh outer corners of the memorial as well.

9/11: On September 11th 2001, a horrifc event on that day changed our lives forever. This event also changed our philosophy of our country especailly with the safety of the people along with the security. All of these attacks invovled hijacking and some air attacks. Flight 11 and Flight 175 crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon which was the headquarters of the UNited staets Department in ArlingtonCounty, Virginia. While the last plane, Flight 93 and the crash of that plane took place in Shanksville, Pennslyvania. Each plane crash has a significance due to the passengers of those planes and the rescuers who evacuated the citizens to safety at those sites.

Flight 11 crashing into the northern tower of the World Trade Center.
Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon
The image of the crash site of Flight 93.
Flight 175 crashing at the southern tower of the World Trade Center.