Categories: All - identity - religion - conflict

by 22-0038 2 24 days ago


The Plantation of Ulster

The Plantation of Ulster was a significant historical event involving the colonization of Irish lands by English and Scottish settlers. Initiated after the Nine Years' War and the Treaty of Melifont, it aimed to impose English law and the Protestant religion on Ireland, particularly in Ulster.

The Plantation of Ulster

The Plantation of Ulster, Christmas Test


9 Year War
Elizebeth tries to reduce independence by appointing English people

Ulster people win the 2 big battles because they use guerilla tactics against superior English forces. Battles of Yellow ford and clontibret

Earl of essex killed by Elizebeth because he had to made peace with the Ulster lads. Elizebeth appoins mountjoy instead.

Ireland gets help from Spain but they accidently land in Kinsale, co cork, O Neill and more go to help them in the middle of winter

Battle of Kinsale: Irish lose even with superior numbers, rebels escape with O Donnell, but Mountjoy makes them surrender at the treaty of Melifont in 1603 by starving them. He burnt their land and killed their cows. O Donnell went to Spain but was poisoned there and died.

Eventually O Neill and all leaders of Ulster leave on a boat, Flight of the Earls

Hugh o Neill
2nd earl of Tyrone, born in 1550

Brought up by English people and knows their tactics in armies and wars

Makes an alliance with the o donells, trains his tenants and prepares for wars.

O donnell and o neill always fight

Ulster, what king James I wanted

To spread English Culture
Pay other countries and soldiers using mostly Irish land
Spread the religion
Protect England
Create loyal protestant population

Plantation of Ulster involved: , Antrim and Derry were private lands

The irish that remained loyal were called, loyal irish, such as the O'Reillys of Monaghan

The Undertakers

Loyal Irish payed the most, 12.50 euro per 1000 acres
Raparees were poor Irish people who attacked the Servitors and Undertakers to survive
Servitors were past military officials that needed paying. 10 euro per 1000 acres
Bawn: was the protective wall around the house/castle
Depending of the size of the land they would build houses of various sizes and if you got a lot, you needed to build a castle,
6 euro per 1000 acres to the king
Scottish/Engllish men who agreed on conditions

London Guilds

All the catholics lived outside it in the 'Bogside'
Diamond: a square in the middle of the city
Walled city, cannons pointed towards the low bogside
Grid like, planned town
Derry was renamed londonderry and split between 12 rich lords

Influence on Identity

Conflicts, see above
Gaelic culture declining
Brehon law gone
Religion declining

Cromwell Plantation

king james, catholic, siege of derry
Catholics surrounded the city and blocked off the water
Protestant Ascendancy
The people the catholic people paid rent to
Penal Laws
Anti Catholic and Presbyterian laws

1641 the massacre of protestants ,1689 battle of the boyne

King William III vs Earl of ormond
Killed 12,000 settlers
Irish Rebellion

Orange order

Society of Protestant, always commemorate the battle of the boyne

Types of people

Want to remain with the U.K
Want Independance

Munster plantation

Imprisons him while she calls him over to England for a meeting
Is not happy with the earl of desmond because he is fighting with her friend the earl of Ormond
Elizebeth I, daughter of henry the eighth

O'Moores and O'Connors

Used Black Rent, protection money, you paid them, they wouldn't attack you

Laois Offaly plantation

Queen mary


Was the policy of removing irish people from their lands and putting in loyal english settlers (planters) who would rent the lands from under the crown.

Surrender and Regrant

King henry 8th basically offered protection as long as you swore loyalty, your land was his for now, provide him with money, the other downside was that if you betrayed him, death was the penalty

Gaelic lords

Long hair, beards
Dressed in robes etc
Brehon law was followed unlike the pale
Spoke irish
When a king passes, the family elects a new succesor

16th Century

RIchard de clare/strongbow
English creates anglo irish

Marries dermots daughter and takes his land when he dies

Dermot Mc Murrough
King of leinster

Fights and loses to King of Ireland Rory o Connor

England controlled the pale, which was an area which spoke English around Dublin and surrounding areas.

Backround and causes

Flight of the Earls 1607
Treaty of Melifont 1603
Battle of Kinsale 1601
Phillip II and spainish help
Nine years war
Resistance by Hugh o Neill and Hugh o Donnell
English government try to impose English law and he Protestant religion
Gaelic society strong in Ulster