Categories: All - risks - trade - instability - subsidies

by Gabriela Mesa 3 years ago


The tariff classification workshop

The national economy can significantly benefit from free trade, as it fosters stability, prosperity, job creation, and bolstered international relations. Despite these advantages, there are notable challenges and risks involved.

The tariff classification workshop


Export costs

Internal instability
Low level of productivity
Product counterfeiting

The tariff classification workshop

A noun is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.

REFERENCES:,servicio%20a%20un%20determinado%20mercado.,y%20consumidores%20de%20productos%20agr%C3%ADcolas. file:///C:/Users/prestamosn/Downloads/HEC235-PDF-ENG%20(1).pdf

What is the impact of free trade on national industry?

The great impact that this generates is that the national economy benefits by generating stability, prosperity, job creation and international relations

What is dumping?

Compound nouns are words where two nouns have been stuck together to make a new noun. Compound nouns should be written as one word, without a hyphen.

Selling below the manufacturing price or cost of a product or service to challenge the market and competition.
Reasons for dumping chinese tyres in Indie

por los beneficios que el gobierno ofrece por la exportacion

Due to low prices in China

Short term impact of dumping on producers and consumers
For consumers who may no longer feel so much a national identification if not they will prefer to buy foreign at lower prices.
that it generates a rebound effect,where producers come to a country with a price below their competition and then become monopolies. In addition, they come to damage the national production and industry, generating imbalances.


Generic nouns are nouns that are part of a generic statement. Generic nouns can be singular or plural. The opposite of generic nouns is collective nouns.

The difference between definite/indefinite and generic nouns is that in the sentence there must be a blanket statement or question.

it is a trade defense law within the scope of customs procedures.

What is the purpose of the WTO?

Proper nouns are the names of specific people or places. They should always begin with a capital letter.

At what point can antidumping duties be imposed?
Anti-dumping duties can be imposed when the exporter's domestic market, the price charged in another country, or a calculation based on the combination of costs and production. It can never be imposed if the import volume is less than 3%.
The purpose of the WTO is to govern the rules that must be in place between countries that have already been signed and negotiated, to help producers of goods and services to trade with responsibility, regularity and quality.

What type of economy does China have, and what problem does this create when it comes to determining whether dumping has occurred

A concrete noun is a noun that can be identified through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell).

China's economy is dominated by the manufacturing and agricultural sectors and is the second largest economy in the world and the largest in terms of purchasing power parity, as well as being a global potential exporter. An example of dumping in China was in the export of tires because they were producers and also exporters at the lowest price creating a difference between the producers of natural rubber in China.

What are the likely short- and long-term implications of protecting domestic tire companies with antidumping or other import duties? domestic tire companies with anti-dumping or other import duties?

Possessive nouns are nouns which possess something, normally another noun.







Increased employability
Variety and competition in the market
Boost for the country.

Government subsidies

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, even if the number might be extraordinarily high.

Uncountable nouns are nouns that come in a state or quantity which is impossible to count; liquids are uncountable, as are things which act
like liquids.

The tyoe of subsidies are:
.export subsidies

import subsidies

.employment subsidies

.tax subsidies.

support or economic benefit given by the state to national producers or exporters to encourage national industry to grow in foreign markets.

Non-tariff trade barriers

Common nouns are words for people, places or things that aren’t specific (as opposed to a proper noun which refers to only one person, place or thing).

Common nouns can be countable or uncountable, singular or plural.

Rules of origin
. Technical standards .
Sanitary standards
Import licenses
The types are:
Non-tariff measure (i.e. that does not use tariffs and is based on taxes) that contains protection and therefore restricts the entry of a certain product or service in a market.

What is the role of tariffs in international trade?

A noun which cannot be identified by using one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell).

Basically they are the basis for identifying, classifying and valuing the goods to be exchanged. To control the entrance and exit of these according to the foreign trade policy of each country. In addition, commitments are established so that the goods have an impact on the final prices.

the risks that occur in international trade are classified

Irregular nouns are nouns which don’t follow a spelling pattern when pluralized.

Add examples

4. Risk of non-payment: failure to comply with the estimated time for payment.
3. Logistic risks: everything that covers transfers, transshipments according to the type of goods to be transported, delivery times, packaging, specific conditions in the country of destination.
2. Legal risks: It is given by bad writing of the contract and the conditions of the same one. Making clear each incoterm to have clear clauses in the contracts defining the responsibilities, possible nonconformities or litigations.
1. Exchange risk: it is given by the variation in the time of exchange of different currencies, when a purchase and sale operation is given in a different currency than the national currency.