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by Daniela Villa Castro 5 years ago


Types of bilingual education

Various approaches to bilingual education exist, each with distinct goals and methods for integrating students of different linguistic backgrounds. Submersion programs involve teaching minority language students alongside native speakers using the dominant language, while segregationist models deny access to bilingual education for minority language speakers.

Types of bilingual education

Types of bilingual education

Separatist education

It is organized by the language community in order to preserve it
It promotes monolinguism and monoculturalism

Segregationist bilingual education

Minority language is denied.
Minority language speakers cannot access to bilingual education

Transitional education

The objective is that student assimilates the L2. They can use their L1 in their learning process.
To shift minority language student into the dominant language in L2

Monolingual education in L2 for minority students

Mainstream with pull of classes

It provides English language learning and the chance of building self esteem.
Student takes extra classes to support the learning of L2.

ME: Foreign language teachers

Teachers need to be bilingual.
The teaching of a new language is personalized. However, this approach does not promotes funtional bilinguism.

Structured immersion programs

SIP conduct minority students in the majority language. L1 is not developed but replaced with L2.
It has minority language students and no language majority students.

Submersion programs

The teacher and students use the dominant language of the class.
The language minority student receives class in the dominant language alongside native speakers.

Mantenance education

To promotes student's mother tongue and the learning of a secon language.

Education promotes two languages