by kuzma ludovic 4 years ago
To provide common European degrees and common European diplomas; 50% mobility of students and academic personnel; A European higher education inter‐university ‘campus’ based on an ever‐closer academic and administrative integration; To integrate bachelor, master and PhD programmes which will combine the strengths in education, research and innovation; To integrate multidisciplinary, multilingual and innovative European University programmes; To bring education and business nearer; To become the global leader in higher education and research in the area of smart urban coastal sustainability, with a perspective of expansion beyond the size of its founding consortium.
Joint Master’s Programme in ‘Smart urban coastal sustainability’
Accredited joint research laboratories
Virtual library for educational resources
University-Industry collaboration network
Roadmap for Better Administration of Transnational Universities
Pilot cross-disciplinary and/or multiple degree European curricula to address global health areas. Joint short programmes on the development of transversal research skills for students and on entrepreneurship and professional skills development.
Pilot cross-disciplinary and/or multiple degree European curricula to address global health areas.
Joint short programmes on the development of transversal research skills for students and on entrepreneurship and professional skills development.
Annual Summit bringing together students, staff, enterprises with sessions focused on EUGLOH best practices and future actions.
Annual staff weeks on innovative and shared practices, including pedagogical innovation, student health, mobility management and tools, inclusion strategy and more.
Annual call for the development of ‘EUGLOH campus life’ initiatives, open to both students and staff.
We aim to bring radical change and transform the European higher education by becoming the leading model of a student-centred, open and inclusive European University. In this way, YUFE makes Europe-wide higher education a reality for local and international students of all backgrounds ; breaking down barriers betwen society and academia to officially recognised on their diplomas and diploma supplements. YUFE partners have already built strong quadruple-helix models of open innovation, together with their local governments, enterprises and civil society, and want to go one step further by linking across the EU for the mutual benefit of all European citizens.
Student mobility: Students will be able to move in a seamless way between levels, programmes, modes (blended: physically and virtually), areas (research, innovation, work), duration (full-time and part-time), location and country.
Career development: Career paths and professional development exchanges, as well as internships and training at both academic and non-academic partners of the YUFE Regions, will be supported and provided to both professionals and students.
Connecting and co-creating with local citizens: Students will become involved in the local community by volunteering, setting up citizen helpdesks and by contributing to the development of housing solutions via a co-living programme.
Collaborating with local governments and enterprises: Local/regional governments and SMEs will be partnering with YUFE to foster a bottomup, Europe-wide co-creation process in social engagement, innovation and entrepreneurship.
EMPOWER students, staff and faculty to become the owners of a new European University concept by encouraging an active participation at all levels in the development of flexible study paths and joint curricula with embedded mobility across Europe and the world ; DEVELOP a European University by sharing resources and services in education, research and management, by removing structural barriers and by generating new frameworks for a European degree ; PIONEER new concepts of education and research in science, technology and engineering by drawing on innovative transdisciplinary approaches stemming from art, design, architecture, business, social sciences and the humanities ; EDUCATE a new generation of European students in science, technology and engineering who actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge, European competitiveness and the development of solutions for societal challenges ; EXEMPLIFIE the role of a (virtual and physical) European inter-university campus that connects the regional innovation ecosystems of its member universities, makes their boundaries fluid and functions as a platform of open interaction and the free circulation of ideas.
Mobility for all students, extending to new short-term programmes, summer schools and joint programmes.
Mobility for all staff, including thematic staff weeks and a teaching staff pilot community that will test innovative ways of teaching.
Virtual Campus that includes a platform for digital mobility, virtual spaces and online tools.
Teaching and Learning Academy to help professors and educators develop models for flexible study paths and innovative pedagogies.
Trans-regional network for open innovation and entrepreneurship that enables sharing of local and regional education, supports services for future entrepreneurs and aims to provide input to regional strategies, e.g., Smart Specialisation.
be a vehicle for skill-specific knowledge transfer which, together with the shared use of resources, will ensure top-quality teaching; champion interdisciplinarity through course options ; strenghten cooperation ; create innovative pedagogical models and make the best use of digital technologies and work based learning ; promote multilingualism ; interlink EU4ART with the public/society ; set up an european network of workshops for teaching and art pratice
Common flexible curricula in the field of fine arts.
Methodological renewal of training courses via common exhibitions and personal study of the work carried out at the workshops and studios of the other partners, obtaining experiences and expanding instruments of pedagogical methodology.
Broad networking of participants in all four institutions, focusing on the integration of workshop facilities into the local structure at different levels.
Carrying out research in the field of ‘fine arts language’ and compiling a fine arts multilingual dictionary (verbal-visual).
Promoting learning foreign languages for students as well as for teachers and staff.
Developing a mentor system to facilitate mobility.
WP1: Project Management
WP2: Educational Structure Analysis - Harmonization
WP3: Methodological updating of training courses
WP4: Fine Arts and Language
WP5: Project Sustainability and Dissemination
Consolidate and connect study programmes in the field of European languages, establishing a model language policy for multilingual universities. Expand the teaching offer in the field of Liberal Arts and Sciences, working towards a ‘European Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences’. Create a virtual inter-university EPICUR campus environment to broaden the opportunities for virtual mobility and the development of new courses, testing a learning platform based on gamification. Strengthen inter-regional meta-networks, developing master labs and research internships for graduate students in partnership with societal partners and private enterprises. Foster university community involvement and appropriation of the alliance through annual forums, ambassador programmes, challenges and festivals
Consolidate and connect study programmes in the field of European languages, establishing a model language policy for multilingual universities
Expand the teaching offer in the field of Liberal Arts and Sciences, working towards a ‘European Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences’.
Create a virtual inter-university EPICUR campus environment to broaden the opportunities for virtual mobility and the development of new courses, testing a learning platform based on gamification.
Strengthen inter-regional meta-networks, developing master labs and research internships for graduate students in partnership with societal partners and private enterprises
Foster university community involvement and appropriation of the alliance through annual forums, ambassador programmes, challenges and festivals
EDUC offers a wide range of opportunities to everyone from the universities involved, corporate, business and research partners, local communities, alumni, lifelong learners and many more : Establishment of structual foundations ; innovative mobility and exchange scenarios for EDUC students, teachers and staff ; key skills and competences ; sustainability and outreach
Combining virtual and physical exchange scenarios (or ‘innovative mobilities’).
Bridging the IT infrastructures of the partner universities.
Creating e-pedagogies and crossdisciplinary curricula
Strengthening the links between education and research.
Enhancing global visibility and building common collaboration strategies with regional ecosystems and other higher education institutions around the world.
- We strive to provide a modern, engaging and research-intensive learning environment, which builds on the diversity and collective strength of our respective institutional cultures, our approaches to teaching, and our students. -Being at the very front of entrepreneurship, - ECIU with its specific profile can offer a unique and modern view in addition to the traditional views often voiced by established university networks. ECIU is eager to working together with European stakeholders on the nature of a modern and innovative university.
Factsheet :
Challenge-based education and research organised around United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 and fostered by an entrepreneurial mind-set and developed civic engagement.
Open and original education with flexible learning pathways, including embedded structured mobility, micro-credentials, leading to a competence passport or European degree (a trans-European challengebased learning scheme).
Model for transnational challenge-based education – a number of education and innovation labs focusing on innovation in teaching, learning and research. A place to scale up existing educational models and to co-create new models.
Développer un laboratoire vivant à travers l’Europe, dans le but de mettre en place des initiatives innovantes communes dans le domaine de l’enseignement et de la mobilité. Les incubateurs mèneront de nouveaux projets communs à tous les niveaux de formation, de la licence au doctorat en passant par le master ainsi qu’au niveau de la formation continue, afin d’aboutir à la création d’un véritable campus européen. Les initiatives communes seront conçues de telle manière qu’elles pourront être adaptées et transférées à d’autres disciplines et institutions.
UNA Europa Future UniLab – an innovative ‘living laboratory’ – will develop ground-breaking cooperation models and formats pertaining to European higher education and research.
Joint Innovative Formats for education and mobility will cover the four interdisciplinary focus areas of European Studies, Cultural Heritage, Sustainability and Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (based on the latest educational research and design models), integrating research and innovation in education.
The UNA Europa community will advance community building between the UNA Europa member universities and with the different local and regional communities.
Consolidating the European University Ecosystem and tackling obstacles by removing administrative, legal and other obstacles and exploiting technology, so students and staff can take advantage of flexible inter-university education and solid joint quality assurance system facilities.
The mission of CHARM-EU is to promote the common European values emphasising the richness and diversity of the European tradition. CHARM-EU will offer a transformative, truly European educational experience to citizens of the world. Through challenge-driven curricula, CHARMEU will empower and inspire traditional as well as non-traditional students and staff to become critical thinkers capable of confronting societal challenges linked with the theme of ‘reconciling humanity with the planet’ and the Sustainable Development Goals.
A fit-for-purpose governance model appropriate for the university sector or other sectors, co-created with students.
An innovative, interdisciplinary challengebased curriculum structure where students will create their own pathways, contextualised within the knowledge triangle, and ambitious teaching and learning strategies will be supported by a virtual learning environment.
A tailor-made mobility matrix system that is embedded in curricula to support seamless movement between institutions.
An inclusivity model that is also embedded in curricula to support social inclusion and diversity.
A tested, transferable and financially sustainable model for developing a European higher education inter-university campus and an open access toolkit containing resources, blueprints and guidelines appropriate not only for the future of CHARM-EU but also transferable to the wider European Universities community.
Transnational Higher Educational Strategy and the three missions made alive ; reaching the numeric goal of 50 % of innovative student mobility ; 4more joint degree program ; inclusive FORTHEM Digital Academy with online courses, and new, tandem-learning and student tutoring facilities ; FORTHEM Labs in 7 research areas ; larger numbers of degree-seeking applicants from outside the EU increased outreach activities and volunteer work of students ; joint career guidance.
Provide students and staff with the ‘FORTHEM Digital Academy’, offering innovative online and blended learning opportunities and staff training courses.
Offer innovative forms of physical mobility.
Seven FORTHEM Labs will produce output such as new e-learning material, joint scientific publications, reports on the supervision of bachelor/ master/doctoral candidate theses, new double degrees, summer schools, public dissemination events and support for civic engagement projects.
Establish a network of schools, companies and public & third-sector organisations and tailored in-service training for school teachers.
Conduct civic engagement projects.
Generate new management and operational structures required for the joint governance of SEA-EU ; Remove academic barriers to credit recognition and develop a protocol for joint SEA-EU programmes at all educational levels ; Increase both virtual/digital and physical mobility within SEA-EU ; Upscale options for teaching study-units and courses offered in English and at least in one other (nonnative) language of the SEA EU community ; Initiate a longer-term, joint strategy for education and training with links to research and innovation, and to society
Generate new management and operational structures required for the joint governance of SEA-EU.
Remove academic barriers to credit recognition and develop a protocol for joint SEA-EU programmes at all educational levels, starting with a focus on marine and maritime issues and leading to the award of recognised joint degrees.
Increase both virtual/digital and physical mobility within SEA-EU.
Upscale options for teaching study-units and courses offered in English and at least in one other (nonnative) language of the SEA-EU community
Initiate a longer-term, joint strategy for education and training with links to research and innovation, and to society
Integration, enabling people, widening acces and inclusion, quality student learning, multilingual university, entreupreneurial university and regional engagement, research support and early career researcher develoment, global engagement
6 action lines:
• Widening Access, Inclusion and Diversity
• Student-centred Frameworks for Quality Learning
• Multilingual and Multicultural University
• Entrepreneurship and Regional Engagement
• Research Support and Early Career Researcher Development
• Engaged European Citizens
Joint institutional policy positions for areas of strategic importance, with particular reference to inclusion, diversity and sustainability, and based on core European values.
Open mobility agreement permitting fully open study, placement, teaching and training mobilities for students, academics, administrative and support staff to benefit from study/work periods at partner institutions. Shared academic catalogue and ample joint learning opportunities certified by the Arqus Academy and based on joint standards.
Pilot multiple degree programmes in all three cycles, set up according to joint standards and protocols.
Shared research infrastructure and collaborative research opportunities.
Joint staff development programmes for innovative international, intercultural, multilingual and inclusive learning and teaching in all three cycles, and for innovative university management certified by the Arqus Academy.
The 4EU+ mission is to develop a barrier-free and continuously deepening cooperation in education, research and innovation within the Alliance. Through this collaboration and working in partnerships, we serve society to the highest level with our core values: Academic and research freedom ; Democratization of education ; Students at the centrer ; Collaboration in an interdisciplinary approach ; Research excellence ; Creativity and openness ; Integrity ; Internationalization
A common 4EU+ Graduate Skills, Competences and Values portfolio, defining the expected profile of a 4EU+ student and a 4EU+ framework for educational activities and common joint curricula, corresponding to the four flagships.
A 4EU+ flexible ‘learning pathway’, providing a range of different measures to enable individualised curricula and the shared use of resources, facilities and infrastructure.
A 4EU+ mobility charter, ensuring the streamlining of administrative processes and recognition of the outcomes and qualifications of 4EU+ students
A 4EU+ platform with training tools to prepare teachers and students for effective online collaborative teaching and learning.
A 4EU+ life-long learning ambition and tested collaboration formats concerning life-long learning with the associate partners.
CIVICA embodies our ambition, as forward-thinking higher education institutions, to assume our civic responsibility as Europeans towards both future European generations and the role of Europe in the world. We aim to: Actively assume political responsibility as Europeans towards future generations ; Raise the voice of the social sciences in the competitive world of higher education ; Take part in the grand collective plan to transform the world of research and higher education
CIVICA will prototype a European Inter-University Campus based on a common strategy of physical as well as digital mobility and a common identity at all university levels, including:
Bachelor Programmes in Civic Engagement
Cutting-edge pedagogical innovations at the master’s level
A European Doctoral Space for Early Stage Researchers
European Knowledge Creating Teams in the Social Sciences, based on research cooperation
Civic action beyond borders
CIVIS aims at being a vector for change and innovation in the following areas: Health; Cities, Territories and Mobility; Climate, Environment and Energy; Digital and Technological Transformations; Societies, Culture and Heritage
Hubs to develop multi-disciplinary and individualised learning pathways for undergraduate and postgraduate students at CIVIS member universities.
Open labs will act as incubators for educational, research and/or innovative projects which CIVIS partners will develop and implement, together with local stakeholders, to address local challenges. They will give CIVIS students real-world work experience related to their studies, enabling them to acquire transversal skills (‘learning by doing’).
Digital Campus to facilitate collaborative projects and resource sharing among students, as well as academic and administrative staff. It will prove a key asset to seamless mobility within CIVIS, but also to stimulate bottom-up projects between communities.
Innovative Pedagogies will allow CIVIS member universities to share and jointly optimise their teaching techniques. The ‘CIVIS innovative pedagogies module’, will be conceived as a tool for creating and promoting innovative pedagogies within CIVIS, based on ground-breaking research.
Cooperation with academic partners from African and Mediterranean partners to address joint challenges, interests and solutions.
Prepare students, staff and learners to be empowered European citizens in today’s disruptive world ;Adjust the university organisation and practices to lead the challenges of the 21st Century ; Increase and intensify the Europeanisation of programmes on offer ; Catalyse place-making by the universities in partnership with their regions, engaging with all agencies to embed and empower the transformative effect of universities ; Serve as an example for other universities, across Europe and in the international arena, to share and develop the focus on building transformative, challenge-driven and contemporary universities.
Develop a common EUTOPIA Learning Community – promoting and initiating changes and exchanges in the educational programmes of the EUTOPIA universities
Designate a common set of challenge-driven and integrated EUTOPIA Knowledge Creation Communities – forming cross-disciplinary, challengebased teams to address societal challenges.
Develop the place-making capacities of the alliance – the co-creation of knowledge, environments, platforms, tools and methodologies to enable exchange and dialogue across sectors, institutions and regions.
Install activities and mechanisms to ensure inclusive and balanced societies – developing a common strategy to identify exclusionary practices, challenges and obstacles as well as to foster inclusion.
Instil both grounded and global internationalisation of the EUTOPIA alliance – stimulating student input to internationalising the curriculum and building strategic partnerships with global (non-European) partners.
Engaged Learning ; Engaged Research and Innovation ; Engaged in Society
Our core mission is to understand, improve, measure, and rebalance the well-being of individuals, our own community, and society as a whole based on our joint values – democratic, inclusive, diverse, research and challenge-based, inter- and transdisciplinary, entrepreneurial, and co-creational.
FILMEU’s main objective is to implement a European University of excellence focused in the fields of Film and Media Arts. Our long-term vision implies that by 2025 FILMEU must be constituted as an exemplary collaborative structure able to deepen the cooperation between all members of the Alliance and foster their ability to act locally, regionally and globally in the cultural and creative industries and across other societal areas they impact.
L'Université de technologie européenne EUt+ s’articule autour d’une vision commune, un pilier central "Think human first" dont découle les principes suivants : La technologie humaine avant tout ; La diversité et le multilinguisme comme opportunité ; Une université inclusive
Re-inventing the “European engineer” ; Democratizing engineering education ; Evolving interdisciplinary engineering learning ; Fostering knowledge and technology transfer ; Stimulating inclusiveness ;Inspiring others
Build a trans-European network of excellence in brain research and technologies to increase the competitiveness of European education, research, economy and society
Creation of a semi-large European University with a unique foundation in terms of educational offer related to the needs of the environment, societal and civilization challenges, which will be a scientific and infrastructure platform focused on close relations (regional and global) with enterprises and governmental units as well as capable of swift implementation of results into practice. In addition, it is an open, borderless and barrier-free University in terms of culture, religion and ideology, while cultivating European heritage at the same time.
We share a vision of universities as creative spaces, an awareness of the power of experimental approaches, and an understanding of the promises of diversity. To address the challenges and problems of today,
we want to bring together academics from all of Europe and students from the top and bottom socio-economic deciles, from rural and urban settings, from local and global backgrounds. Together we aim to shape a more just, open and inclusive society.
Health and well-being ; Digital revolution and Impact of digitalisation ; Climate change ; Energy and Circular economy ; Equity
By 2025, Circle U. is an inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university. Students, staff and partners from civil society, businesses and the public sector collaborate to jointly develop competencies and solutions for keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous.
UNIC will bring a truly European collaborative structure of universities embedded in post-industrial cities, united by a clear ambition to promote social inclusion with a common commitment to create societal impact. We will foster a new generation of students who have the knowledge and the skills to create societal impact not just within their own university and city but on a European level.
Voir carte mentale de Virginie
Inspirés des Graduate Schools des grandes universités internationales, les Écoles Universitaires de Recherche (EUR) structurent les formations de master et les formations doctorales par grand secteur disciplinaire. Ces nouvelles composantes ont pour mission d'adosser fortement les formations à la recherche académique en laboratoire, ou plus appliquée, en lien avec des entreprises.
Largement autonomes, toutes partagent néanmoins des ambitions et des principes de fonctionnement qui les conduisent à renouveler les pratiques pédagogiques, à promouvoir la pluridisciplinarité et les cursus individualisés, à décloisonner les cycles et parcours de formation, à développer des partenariats internationaux et ouvrir les étudiants à la mobilité internationale, à renforcer leur offre de formation à distance et tout au long de la vie en lien avec le tissu socio-économique et culturel du territoire.