Categories: All - educação - comunicação - técnica - pedagógica

by Marta Castro 2 years ago


Universo Educativo

A comunicação educativa pode ser formal ou informal, com diferentes características e objetivos. A comunicação formal ocorre em contextos bem definidos e segue regras pedagógicas específicas, podendo acontecer no mesmo tempo e lugar ou em momentos distintos.

Universo Educativo

Universo Educativo

Tenses demonstrate the time of actions centered around the subject of the sentence. These actions are called verbs and change according to tenses.

Bibliografia: SILVA, Bento (2000). Âmago da Comunicação Educativa. Cadernos do Noroeste, Comunicação e Sociedade 2. Série Comunicação, vol.14 (1-2), pp. 689-710

Dimensão da comunicação didática

A influência exercida através do processo comunicacional pode ser analisada a dois níveis: imposto pela própria natureza do processo comunicacional e o outro pela intensão de influenciar.
A comunicação tem um aspeto de conteúdo, e um aspeto de relação, pode inclusive discutir-se se é mais importante, em termos de uma comunicação eficaz.
Permitem analisar o cenário das operações didáticas no enquadramento de sala de aula.

Modos de comunicação educativa

There are four Future tenses:

Comunicação informal

Future Continuous is used:

Adverb used with Future Continuous:



Subject + Won’t Be + Verb-ING

e.g. He won’t be having fun at the party.

O agente comunicador, embora possa produzir efeitos educativos, não elabora a mensagem a partir das regras reconhecidas como pedagógicas.

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I will not be beingYou will not be beingHe/She/It will not be beingWe will not be beingYou will not be beingThey will not be being

Form of word "to have":

I will not be havingYou will not be havingHe/She/It will not be havingWe will not be havingYou will not be havingThey will not be having
Caracteriza-se pela inexistência , de um ponto definido no espaço ou do tempo.


Subject + Will Be + Verb-ING

e.g. You will be having fun at the party.

Internet, comunicação social, TV, rádio (comunicação cultural)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I will be beingYou will be beingHe/She/It will be beingWe will be beingYou will be beingThey will be being

Form of verb 'to have':

I will be havingYou will be havingHe/She/It will be havingWe will be havingYou will be havingThey will be having
Comunicação formal

Future Simple is used:


A mensagem adquire uma função pedagógica.

Continuum espacio-temporal (no mesmo tempo e no mesmo lugar)

Future Simple with 'will'' is used:

Some adverbs used with Future Simple:

Mesmo tempo/Diferente lugar


Subject + Won’t (will not) + V1(First Form of Verb)

e.g. You won’t see Mary when she comes back from Denmark.

Os interlocutores comunicam no mesmo momento ou em tempo diferente (em deferido)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I will not beYou will not beHe/She/It will not beWe will not beYou will not beThey will not be

Form of word "to have":

I will not haveYou will not haveHe/She/It will not haveWe will not haveYou will not haveThey will not have

Mesmo tempo/Mesmo lugar


Subject + Will + V1(First Form of Verb)

e.g. I will see Mary when she comes back from Denmark.

Emissor e recetor estão em presença, no mesmo lugar (em direto)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I will beYou will beHe/She/It will beWe will beYou will beThey will be

Form of verb 'to have':

I will haveYou will haveHe/She/it will haveWe will haveYou will haveThey will have

Comunicação eficaz

É a perspetiva conjugada, os critérios devem realizar-se conjuntamente, pois só faz sentido falar-se em comunicação eficaz se são obtidos bons resultados, possíveis de serem alcançados com a utilização de técnicas comunicativas apropriadas que proporcionem uma atuação diversificada, de adequação mútua e de adaptação aos diferentes contextos comunicativos.

Sistema educativo

There are four Past tenses:

Educação informal

Past Perfect Continuous is used:

Some adverbs used with Past Perfect Continuous:

Projeção Pedagógica

Fatores educativos desconhecidos e descontrolados.

Dimensão descritiva da pedagogia

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Had I been being?Had you been being?Had he/she/i been being?Had we been being?Had you been being?Had they been being?

Form of word "to have":

Had I been having?Had you been having?Had he/she/it been having?Had we been having?Had you been having?Had they been having?
A que não se realiza a partir da definição prévia de objetivos ou finalidades pedagógicas.
A que não é metódica, estruturada, consciente e intencional.


Subject + had been + Verb-ING

e.g. They had been talking for over an hour before I arrived.

A que não se faz de forma institucionalizada.


Had + Subject + been Verb-ING?

e.g. How long had they been living in London before moving here?

É espontânea a partir das relações do individuo com o seu ambiente humano, social, cultural, ecológico.


Subject + hadn’t been/had not been + Verb-ING

e.g. I was tired because I hadn't been sleeping.

Educação não formal

Past Continuous is used for:

Some adverbs used with Past Continuous:

Reconversão profissional
Desenvolvimento comunitário
Tempos livres


Was/ were + Verb-ING?

e.g. Were you studying when she called?

Animação sociocultural


Subject + wasn’t (was not)/ weren’t (were not) + Verb-ING

e.g. You were not studying when she called.

Educação permanente e de adulto


Subject + was/ were + Verb-ING

e.g. You were studying when she called.

Educação Formal

Past simple expresses:

Some adverbs used with Past Simple:



Did + subject + Base Form of the Verb?

e.g. Where did you meet her?

Meios de formação


Subject + did not/didn’t + Base Form of the Verb

e.g. They didn’t like my food.



Subject + Verb in Past Simple (2nd form)

e.g. They lived in Spain three years ago.

Sistema comunicativo

There are four Present tenses:


Present Perfect Continuous is used:

Some adverbs used with Present Perfect Continuous:

Designado em massa


Subject + have/ has been + Verb-ING

e.g. They have been learning French for two years.

Comunicação social para o público que utiliza o respetivo meio.

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I have been beingYou have been beingHe/She/It has been beingWe have been beingYou have been beingThey have been being

Form of verb 'to have':

I have been havingYou have been havingHe/She/It has been havingWe have been havingYou have been havingThey have been having

Present Perfect is used for:

Some adverbs used with Present Perfect:

Colaboração entre vários indivíduos


Subject + have/ has + Past Participle (3rd Form of the Verb)

e.g. She has finished the letter.

Os papeis de transmissão e de receção estão mais divididos do que no nível anterior .

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I have beenYou have beenHe/She/It has beenWe have beenYou have beenThey have been

Form of verb 'to have':

I have hadYou have hadHe/She/It has hadWe have hadYou have hadThey have had

Present Continuous is used to indicate the ongoing time (now).

Some adverbs used with Present Continuous:

Entre dois indivíduos


Subject + BE (am/is/are) + Verb-ING

e.g. You are eating now.

Contexto físico muito próximo (Face to Face)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I am beingYou are beingHe/She/It is beingWe are beingYou are beingThey are being

Form of verb 'to have':

I am havingYou are havingHe/She/It is havingWe are havingYou are havingThey are having

Present Simple is used for:

Some adverbs used with Present Simple:



Subject (I, You, We, They) + do not / don’t + V1 (First Form of Verb)

Subject (He, She, It) + does not / doesn’t + V1 (First Form of Verb)

e.g. He doesn’t work in a bank.

Ocorre dentro da própria pessoa, que assue as funções de emissor e de recetor.


Subject (I, You, We, They) + V1(First Form of Verb)

e.g. I usually go jogging at weekends.

Subject (He, She, It)+ V1(First Form of Verb) + s/es

e.g. She writes every day.