Categories: All - gold - treaty - war - imperialism

by Chih Syuan (Carina) Lin 1 year ago


US Expansionism & Imperialism Test Content Review

The Northwest Indian War involved the United States fighting Native American tribes across several states in the Northwest Territory from 1785 to 1795. The Lewis and Clark Expedition, appointed by Thomas Jefferson, explored the Louisiana Territory from 1804 to 1806, fostering peaceful relations with native tribes and providing valuable geographical information.

US Expansionism & Imperialism
Test Content Review

US Expansionism & Imperialism Test Content Review

Gadsden Purchase

Treaty of Mesilla
attempted to resolve conflicts that lingered after the Mexican-American War
Why (USA): build southern transcontinental railroad for trade
Why (Mexico): Santa Anna needed money
New Mexico
Southern Arizona
29670 sq mi

Mexican American War

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Texas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming

525000 sq mi for $15 mil

ended the Mexican-American War
1846 Mexico gave ultimatum (leave or we'll attack)
1845 Texas Annexation
Congress passed it under President Polk in 1845
1844 President John Tyler restarted negotiations with Texas -> Treaty of Annexation
President Martin van Buren didn't want to annex because he didn't want war with Mexico
1836-1846 US farmers moved into Mexican territory -> US will protect their rights; manifest destiny
1836 Texas Independence -> needed to renegotiate borders
James Polk wanted to declare war on Mexico over Texas
used Mexico's ultimatum to blame they initiated it -> US is the victim

Oregon Donation Land Act

encouraged settlement in Oregon Terrotiry
white/mixed people can claim land after working on it for 4 years

Oregon Treaty

President James Polk: “54˚ 40’ or fight!” threatened Britain to give Oregon Territory, or else fight
northern border of Oregon has a latitude of 54˚ 40’
US got the Oregon Territory (Pacific -> Rocky Mountains)
British Columbia
Washington, D.C.
treaty between UK and US signed in Washington, D.C.

Oregon Trail

ended with the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in Utah in 1869
accidentally shot by guns
crushed by wagons

dysentery (intestine infection)

cholera (intestine infection)


small pox

1/10 died
Gold Rush
increased people on the Oregon Trail
1848: James Wilson Marshall found gold in the American River (California)
$2 billion worth of metal
Whitman's goal: religion -> assisting white settlers
Cayuse War

killed Whitman

Cayuse blamed missionary wagons to carry measles

Cayuse vs federal gov


Great Emigration of 1843
drastic increase in emigrants on the Oregon Trial
in 1835 Marcus Whitman wanted to spread Christianity and prove the Oregon Trail is safe
many followed their path -> Whitman Mission Route (closed in 1842)
missionaries, merchants, trappers, traders
in 1834, Nathaniel Wyeth led the first religious group to Idaho
to emigrate west
2000 mile from Missouri -> Oregon
missouri -> nebraska -> wyoming -> idaho -> oregon

Adam Onis Treaty

Spain had Texas
US got Florida + Oregon
border between Spain and Texas

Indian wars

First Seminole War
forced Seminoles in Florida to move to Oklahama
Jackson won -> Spain: Adam Onis Treaty 1819

US got Florida

Andrew Jackson attacked Seminole villages in Florida
Seminoles vs US
Battle of the Horseshoe Bend
Treaty of Fort Jackson forced Upper Creek to hand over 20 mil acres of land (half of Alabama) to the US
Most Red Sticks were killed -> Upper Creek lost force of fighting American expansionism
Andrew Jackson vs. Chief Menawa + Red Sticks
separated into Upper and Lower Creek

Upper: against expansionism Lower: pro-american


Lewis and Clark Expedition

found gold, iron, land -> motivated westward expansion
initiated peaceful relations with native tribes
gave geographical information
surveyed the Louisiana Territory (Mississippi River -> Pacific)
Appointed by Thomas Jefferson

Louisiana Purchase

Why (France)? France (Napoleon Bonaparte) needed money to fight British, couldn't put down slave revolution in Haiti
Why (US)? US feared to lose free access if French gained control back -> land and commerce
1780s US settlers moved westward, depended on free access to Mississippi river and New Orleans for trade
17-18 century: France 1762 French and Indian War: gave Louisiana to Spain 1801: secret treaty to return to France
size + location
15 states
mississippi river -> rocky mountains
doubled the size (+828,000 sq mi) for $15 mil
during Thomas Jefferson's presidency

Northwest Indian War

US vs natives in Northwest Territory

Philippines American War

Organic Treaty
US would not leave until 1946
US did not grant Philippines independence
1899-1902 (Philippines surrendered)
direct result of Spanish American War

Spanish American War

Platt Amendment
allowed US to interfere in Cuban affairs -> make naval bases
treaty between US and Cuba to protect Cuba's independence from intervention
Teller Amendment
US would not establish permanent control over Cuba
+ political power -> + territory
+ economic power -> + trade
acquired new territories -> new imperial nation

location: easier trade with China

Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam

first major international victory -> legitimize military strength
Treaty of Paris
ammunitions return to Spain but can be purchased -> US gets more money from Spain
US pays for prisoners of war
US got Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines
US can trade without barriers with Spain, Cuba, Philippines
ended Spanish-American war
glorification of military ideals -> war
increase training + use of military
Roosevelt and Rough Riders

myth about war and bravery

a country should maintain a strong military and be prepared to use it to defend or promote national interests
e.g. Cuba going through revolution -> US wants to help stop suffering -> foreign imperialism
larger country helping smaller country without consent
De Lome Letter
enraged Americans -> increased anti-spanish
criticized McKinley as weak and only wants to please the public
Written by De Lome (Spanish ambassador in the US)
sensational headlines, exaggeration, fabrication
Pulitzer's New York World Hearst's New York Journal
paternalism, militarism -> USS Maine -> 1898 exploded, men were killed -> blamed Spain -> war
USA vs Spain for Cuba
Under President McKinley
Short Term

Alfred T Mahan: new navy -> 3rd largest

Venezuelan Crisis 1895 -> + confidence

Hawaiian Annexation 1898 -> + confidence

Spanish treatment of Cuba

"The Butcher" General Weyler sent to put down Cuban insurrections -> concentration camps

Cubans died rapidly in concentration camps

Yellow Journalism

USS Maine

Long Term Causes

Monroe Doctrine 1823

US industralization -> need raw materials

need to expand trade

weaker spanish gov -> Cuba Independence in 1868

Hawaii Annexation

1897: - President William McKinley was for annexation, Congress was against - Hui Aloha Aina (group of Hawaiians) opposed annexation & protested
1893: - Hawaiian League overthrew Lili'oukalani - President Cleveland opposed provisional gov
1892: Queen Lili'uokalani wanted to restore monarch power
Bayonet Constitution
forced King Kalakaua to sign new constitution in 1887 -> power to Hawaiian League
Americans in Hawaii formed Hawaiian League -> American annexation of Hawaii
James Cook arrived in 1788, US missionaries in 1810
didn't focus on Hawaii because US was focused on westward expansion
King Kamehameha established Kingdom of Hawaii in 1705

Venezuela Crisis

Richard Olney: US secretary of state Lord Salisbury: British Prime minister
Olney told Salisbury to submit the boundary dispute to arbitration. Salisbury said Monroe doctrine is not an international law
Why (US)? gold
border dispute between British Guiana & Venezuela
British wanted land till the Schomburgk Line

Reasons for US Imperialism

overproduced goods -> need to export -> new market -> force colonies to buy via artificial markets (take what they need, sell what they don't want)
food trade
industrialization -> cheap workers
growing population -> raw materials and resources

Expansionism vs Imperialism

colonies -> receives resources, exploit labor
natives don't become part of the nation -> no need to give rights -> exploitation
force political system over them
moves to occupied territory
incorporate the acquired territory as part of the nation
expands to another territory

Mexican Perspective on the War

blamed the loss on Santa Anna's betrayal
Battle of Chapultepec
Ninos Heroes


establish their status as victims

Juan Escutia wrapped himself in the Mexican flag & jumped from the roof to prevent US from getting the flag

1 general + 5 cadets refused to retreat

US vs Mexico at Chapultepec Castle

Conflicts between US & Native Americans

Dawes Act
break up tribes -> easier assimilation
tribes no longer owned land -> gov gave land to each family
President Grover Cleveland
Indian Removal Act
forced relocation of native americans from east to west of Mississippi -> Trail of Tears

Cherokees resisted -> Worcester v. Georgia

Where? Tennessee -> Oklahama

many died of disease, starvation, extreme weather


clear Indians off east Mississippi -> more land
President Andrew Jackson
forced assimilation (absorption of people into a dominant culture)
loss of language, culture, identity
resulted from federal decisions to educate Indians with "white man's ways"
opposition to change
US viewed natives as savage + uncivilized
need for space & resources

Monroe Doctrine

Monroe believes the US has a friendly relation with European countries
Britain wanted trade with Latin America -> would decline if colonized by Spain -> support with royal navy
worried because European colonies -> can't expand, affect trade
justify forced removal of Native Americans
drive westward expansion
neutral stance
US would not interfere in internal European affairs

current policies & colonies

US is destined by God to expand and spread democracy + capitalism
1880-1898 Adult America
wants to influence the western hemisphere

has the military capacity

north and south america

unified after civil war
industrialized -> need to export
1848 - 1880 Teenage America
industrialization 1880
civil war 1861-1865
domestic slavery issues
controls coast to coast
1823 Baby America
focused on expansion
didn't control north America
little army & navy
new country
based off of declaration of neutrality
Where? entire north american continent

Declaration of Neutrality

For: Alexander Hamilton
Against: Thomas Jefferson (didn't think it was necessary, later resigned because he's in opposition), James Madison (urged by Jefferson to speak against it)
Why? still a new country -> weak, needed allies+trade
threatened legal proceedings against americans who aided any country at war
US is neutral in the conflict between France and Britain
George Washington

Reasons for US Expansionism

rapid industrial growth
gold, mines, fields, factories -> extract wealth
spread technology -> civilize land
believed christianity was better -> should spread religion
believed mexico's gov was anarchy, barbaric -> should take over & replace with democracy
didn't consider African Americans as civil humans -> "no countries in the west" -> not invading
feed people & develop new cities -> urbanization
slavery needed to expand to continue profits -> agricultural/land profit
growing population (imcoming immigrants from Western Europe) -> need land
1800: 5 mil 1850: 23 mil