Model Mindmaps - Openbare galerij

Verken onze brede publieke collectie van model mindmaps gemaakt door Mindomo gebruikers over de hele wereld. Hier vind je alle publieke diagrammen gerelateerd aan model. Je kunt deze voorbeelden bekijken om inspiratie op te doen. Sommige diagrammen geven je ook het recht om ze te kopiëren en te bewerken. Dankzij deze flexibiliteit kun je deze mindmaps als sjablonen gebruiken, wat tijd bespaart en je een sterk startpunt voor je werk geeft. Je kunt bijdragen aan deze galerij met je eigen diagrammen zodra je ze openbaar maakt, en je kunt een bron van inspiratie zijn voor andere gebruikers en hier vermeld worden.

NLP Tools
Raman Singhal

NLP Tools

door Raman Singhal

Python Reference Language
Antonio Gutierrez

Python Reference Language

door Antonio Gutierrez

Ratios and Proportions
성은 안

Ratios and Proportions

door 성은 안

J.J Thomson
Abigail Bosley

J.J Thomson

door Abigail Bosley

Introduction to Softtek Methodologies
Julio Avila

Introduction to Softtek Methodologies

door Julio Avila

Visual metaphors

Visual metaphors

door J M

lin zhang


door lin zhang

First Mind Map
J.J. Brunmeier

First Mind Map

door J.J. Brunmeier

New Car
Mark Boulding

New Car

door Mark Boulding

STP Policy Framework
Johnson Ma

STP Policy Framework

door Johnson Ma

modelo en v
daniel lopez

modelo en v

door daniel lopez

Segmentation - Progress Meeting
Geir Kristiansen

Segmentation - Progress Meeting

door Geir Kristiansen

Risk Catagories
Kerry Kremke

Risk Catagories

door Kerry Kremke

Introductory biology is the study of biomolecules and cellular components that work together to enable the translation of proteins that are the building blocks of living organisms. Through the idea of central dogma and regulation processes that make sure every step of a process is done correctly so that mutation cannot occur, living organisms can produce and live a healthier life.
DJ Zayas

Introductory biology is the study of biomolecules and cellular components that work together to enable the translation of proteins that are the building blocks of living organisms. Through the idea of central dogma and regulation processes that make sure every step of a process is done correctly so that mutation cannot occur, living organisms can produce and live a healthier life.

door DJ Zayas

Mental Health
Michele Jackson

Mental Health

door Michele Jackson

UTAS Data Analysis-Devices
James Osborne

UTAS Data Analysis-Devices

door James Osborne

Trabalho de SIM-AJ-OA-VL
Antonio Jorge

Trabalho de SIM-AJ-OA-VL

door Antonio Jorge

Sandra Liliana


door Sandra Liliana

Bivariate statistical measures of regression and correlation
Angie Paola Montes Vasquez

Bivariate statistical measures of regression and correlation

door Angie Paola Montes Vasquez

Acciones preventivas en contextos comunitarios
Caro Torres

Acciones preventivas en contextos comunitarios

door Caro Torres

Structured Data Learning
Anand Puntambekar

Structured Data Learning

door Anand Puntambekar

Hyundai Card Late Payment Prediction I-Tag
Noah Randolph

Hyundai Card Late Payment Prediction I-Tag

door Noah Randolph

Map Learning Project
Staci Hart

Map Learning Project

door Staci Hart

The 10 Effective Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Strategies
Ida Jamison

The 10 Effective Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Strategies

door Ida Jamison

AutoML Main Code
Onur Sürhan

AutoML Main Code

door Onur Sürhan

Careers for Kaylea
Student Account

Careers for Kaylea

door Student Account

Sara wongtham


door Sara wongtham

Culminating Plan
Cedric May

Culminating Plan

door Cedric May

skrypt K


door skrypt K

Week 2
Kristin Falenski

Week 2

door Kristin Falenski

   Doja cat

Doja cat

door DANAE T.

Parackal, A Concept Map
Ancy Parackal

Parackal, A Concept Map

door Ancy Parackal

Classroom Discipline Techniques
kamal bhatia

Classroom Discipline Techniques

door kamal bhatia

Dylan Wang

Dylan Wang

door NATALY R.

Vincenzo Leonardi

Vincenzo Leonardi

door RENZO J.

The {required element} of the system is {explainable} in line with the safety case requirements, to the {intended audience} in the {intended context}
Rhys Ward

The {required element} of the system is {explainable} in line with the safety case requirements, to the {intended audience} in the {intended context}

door Rhys Ward

Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey


Andrea Viviana Herrera Rada


door Andrea Viviana Herrera Rada

Darly dixon

Darly dixon


A Dream school's model
Дамдинова Туяна

A Dream school's model

door Дамдинова Туяна

Empathy (By Chi Ho)
Chi Kin Ho

Empathy (By Chi Ho)

door Chi Kin Ho

Problem: Sally wants to be an architect when she grows up and decides to join the art club at her middle school. In order to do so, she has to submit a portfolio that includes her best drawings.
Sandra Stephens

Problem: Sally wants to be an architect when she grows up and decides to join the art club at her middle school. In order to do so, she has to submit a portfolio that includes her best drawings.

door Sandra Stephens