The narrative centers around a group of animal characters, including an eagle named Reiner, a rabbit named Mikasa, a crow named Erwin, and a hunter known as Lady Bigwallet. The tale unfolds in a forest setting and an ancient tree.
From that day on eagles were
capable of withstanding high
winds and often flew high to
avoid the hunters, Lady Big-
wallet, and her descendants..
That’s why…
From then on…
Animal characters/ other characters in nature act like people- they talk and possess human-like features or characteristics
All the animals, Mikasa(Rabbit), Reiner(Eagle)
and Erwin(Crow), they all are able to speak to
each other (not in English) but are able to under-
stand English. They don't posses any human cha-
racteristics apart from the ability to understand
all languages. (English mainly)
Happens in the past (long ago, a long time ago)
The story takes place a very long time ago
Explains why or how something in nature came to be
The story explains how the eagle came
to be able to fly so high in the sky.
Characters, Setting, Events
The events in the story are-
Mikasa escapes from Lady
Reiner Hunts the Mikasa
Reiner catches the Mikasa
Lady Bigwallet hunts Reiner
Reiner Goes off to find more
Reiner Runs into Erwin
Erwin and Reiner Talk and it
turns into an argument
Reiner and Erwin fight
Reiner gets his wings stuck in
a rockpile
Gets them out eventually and
they are extended from pulling
them out of the rocks
Reiner fly's away and takes
shelter on a large, refurbished, art
Lady Bigwallet spots him(and targets
The Narrative takes place in
The Woods and in the Elder Tree
The characters are Reiner,
Erwin, Mikasa, and the Lady