Categorieën: Alle - students - evaluating - homelessness - bullying

door Hannah Parks 2 jaren geleden


culminating- religion

The impact of bullying on children has become increasingly severe, particularly with the rise of cyberbullying. This form of harassment adversely affects students' emotional, physical, and psychological well-being, interfering with their ability to learn and creating a hostile environment both online and in schools.

culminating- religion

culminating- religion

RECONCILIATION: reconciliation is also known as the sacrament of Confession, it is a sign and experience of Gods unconditional forgiveness. With penance you receive Christ's healing grace through absolution by the priest.

ACTING: acting is deciding to do the loving thing and then doing it. It is important to ask God to help us put our decisions into action.

Climate change is ruining our world one day at a time. Frequently intense droughts, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming sea levels are harming many animals. These problems are destroying animals habitats and wreck havoc on people's livelihoods and communities. As climate change happens and worsens the more dangerous weather events are becoming. As people go day to day using vehicles spreading fossil fuels it weakens our planet. Factories are destroying our planets. Fossil fuels create acid rain and acid rain destroys land and roads and plants. We love our earth but we don't treat it with the respect we should. We need to bring awareness and then bring it to action, so like riding our bikes, walking, running, scootering, all of these things can replace cars and spreading less and less fossil fuels. Even electric cars will help. We need to do the loving thing and we need to ask God to help us bring out decisions to action. In school teachers need to educate children so they can spread the new all over social media which will then help the awareness spread and that will hopefully turn this world around if it isn't too late.
social justice issue: CLIMATE CHANGE.

BEATITUDE: "mourn" - is people who are saddened over injustice and unfairness in the world. They show sympathy and understanding towards those who suffer. (I feel like i connect to this beatitude recently after i lost one of my bestest friends in the whole word, and i feel so much sympathy towards Maddy's other friends and her family members.)

VENIAL SIN: venial sin does not completely separate us from God but represents a 'cooling' in the relationship. Examples might include a failure to be honest, or crude behaviour.

10 COMANDMENTS: 1. You shall have no other gods before me. 2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. 3. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 4. Honour your father and your mother. 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. 9. You shall not covert your neighbour's wife. 10. You shall not covert your neighbour's goods.

OLD TESTAMENT: the old testament is what the Christians call the books written before Jesus. The main point of the Old testament is to show God's love for Jewish people. These are the books that Jesus was taught from when he was growing up. Also all of the apostles followed these books, there are 46 books in total in the Old testament.

The old testament was before the birth of Jesus so it will most likely mention Israel, Hebrew, Egypt, Moses, Abraham, Noah, David, yehweh, and Pophets.

HISTORY: history is a record or account usually written in chronological order of past events, especially those concerning a particular nation or people.

VOCATION: In the catholic context, we define vocation as "a call from God." Our call as Catholics is to live like Christ and to follow Jesus in loving God and loving our neighbour as ourselves. We are to use the gifts we have been given to serve the world.

BAPTISM: baptism is a sacrament of salvation allowing Gods saving grace to enter the human soul.

NEW TESTAMENT: The new testament is the second part of the bible. This is concerned with Jesus' love for us. It also tells the story of the early followers of Jesus and the early church. There are 27 books in total in the new testament.

After the birth of Jesus the new testament mentions Jesus, Christ, Apostles, Disciples, Mary, Father, Abba, and Lamb of God.

MORTAL SIN: mortal sin is a complete break in one's relationship with God. We make a conscious decision to turn completely away from God's offer of love. We don't commit mortal sins by accident. Mortal sins are not usually single, isolated acts (although they can be.)

An example of mortal sin would be murder or breaking one of the 10 commandments.

An example of Moral Truth would be: Thou should not steal. Or thou shall not kill.

MORAL TRUTH: The distinction between right and wrong.

There is a big difference right and wrong and gender inequality falls under the wrong category. Women are known as the "weaker" people in this world while Men are the "strong and hard working" ones. Yes, it may be scientifically proven that men can be physically stronger then some women. That doesn't mean that females should be treated any differently. Gender inequality happens very often in schools, usually happens because boys think they're (stronger, faster, smarter, and overall just better.) Girls should not be takinf this disrespect and teachers should be stopping it whenever they see it happening. The government doesn't change the fact that women get payed less then men and it is like they dont care. When they should care. This is wrong on so many levels and needs to come to an end. Females need to stand up for themselves more often. God didn't create this world and everyone for this to happen.
social justice issue: GENDER INEQUALITY.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Conscience is reasoned judgement where a person recognizes the moral quality of something they are about to do. The word reasoned means that the person needs to have information about what is right or wrong.

Bullying has had so much impact on kids lives now a days. Now more than ever bullying is an issue due to online cyber bullying. Most kids don't feel safe in school or online due to negative comments. Bullying affects students learning, and on their spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological health. Bullying adversely affects the teachers ability to educate students, because students don't learn while they're being mistreated. Kids that bully others get terrible images on themselves, which goes against the person God created and their image. God did not create us to disrespect others, this is an affront to the Catholic learning communities. Too many lives have been taken from this world due to kids committing suicide. Childrens mental health gets so bad to the point where they want to end it. Teachers need to start recognizing children getting picked on and stop the situation immediately before it gets worse. Consciousness is reasoned judgement while bullying has no reasoning for it.
social justice issue: BULLYING.

EVALUATING: evaluating means we must be aware of how that decision has affected our relationship with God, with ourselves and with others. We must empathize with others, be able to put ourselves into their shoes.

Homelessness in Canada and all over the world is a major issue in today's society. Homelessness comes with many reasons due to why people are homeless. Some of these reasons may be loss of employment, mental illness, poor physical health, substance abuse, or lack of affordable housing. No matter what the reason everyone should be bringing more awareness towards this issue. If we do not it will affect our relationship with God, with ourselves, and with others. Homelessness is tearing this world apart and is killing poor innocent people that should be given another chance. We need to show empathy towards homeless people because we never know their situation. We need to put ourselves in their shoes and think about what it must be like to have very little in life. Life is a gift and some people get it easier than others and homeless people often have many obstacles trough out their lives. Teachers all over the world whether they be a catholic teacher or not should bring awareness to this issue. The way this world would turn around with less homelessness is mind blowing. We need to learn about how we can prevent this issue in the future but first we need to deal with it now. We need to start fundraisers and we need to donate money if we can to help these less fortunate people out. It may not do too much but at least it would give someone some food or clothing. We need to evaluate what it means to help out,and what life must be like for them.
social justice issue: HOMELESSNESS.

HOLY ORDERS: in the sacrament of Holy Orders, the priest being ordained vows to lead other Catholics by bringing them the sacraments, by proclaiming Gospel, and providing other means to holiness.