Where to next?
Once you have gathered the initial specification for your web site, you can use this map to:
- Gather more information
- Develop your plans further
- Add links to resources and your new site
- Keep track of tasks and status
Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.
Service Level Agreements define the reliability and capacity of service and are usually part of an agreement with a web site hosting company.
Are there specific terms that you will require? Think about:
- Number of concurrent users on the site
- Storage space required
- Bandwidth per month
- Percentage uptime
Add an action that you need to take to establish SLA metrics for your site.
Back-end connections
Include a back-end connection from the suggestions or add your own.
CMS databaseAuto-responder systemE-commerce paymentsStock control systemPermissions-based content
Secure connections
A secure server and HTTPS encryption may be needed if you are handling:
- Payment information
- Logins and passwords
- Sensitive information, e.g. financial, health or other personal details
Add notes about actions you will need to take about using a secure server.
Server platform
Web sites can be implemented in a variety of ways. Choose from the suggestions or add your own.
Content Management System (CMS)Custom codedHosted on own serversHosted on third party servers
Browser support
What browsers will your site need to support?
It is difficult to support all browsers as technologies change. Many web sites declare older browser versions as unsupported.
Add included or excluded browsers and versions.
Add information about the formats your site will need to support.
Think about:
- Accessibility guidelines and requirements (e.g. WCAG guidelines to ensure sites are accessible a range of abilities)
- Support for low-bandwidth users
- 'Adaptive' layouts for mobile devices
- Target screen resolutions
- Content ratings or age verification
Factores abioticos
Climatología (Suelo)
Competencia mutualismo
Conjunto de elementos
Links tend to go stale over time and need periodic testing. Add a note about on you will detect broken links.
Options include:
- Providing a reporting function on your site
- Manually testing against a schedule
- Running an automatic link testing tool
Factores sociales
Causan efectos a corto o largo plazo
Estudio de las relaciones entre los seres vivos y el ambiente
Identify the sources of change on your website.
Think about:
- User feedback
- Marketing campaigns
- Changes in products and services offered
- Improvements from analysis of usability feedback
- Changes incorporate style or logos
- Changes in your organization that need to be reflected in the web site
Add a source of change for your website.
La producción de los servicios puede dejar una huella negativa en el recurso o atractivo de lo que esta explotando
Identify content and assets that you will need for your site. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.
Partners & channelsTutorialsRatings and reviewsCase studiesProduct catalogueProduct & service descriptionsBrochures & data sheetsSpecificationsSkills & accreditationsTestimonialsDownloadsImagesVideosLogosOther
Es la ciencia que busca satisfacer las necesidades humanas de bienes y servicios a través de recursos escasos.
You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.
Search functionNavigation & menusSocial media connectorsRegistration and loginUser account supportPermission marketingDiscussion forumsContact formsQuotation systemsReal-time chatAutoresponderseCommerceVideo or Flash® supportCookie opt-in complianceStorage of cookiesSite versioningApproval, publishing & rollbackOther
Permite a los ecológicos obtener datos cuantitativos exactos sobre la evolución, comportamiento, crecimiento, entre otros.
Add as many generic pages as you will need. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.
BlogNews and announcementsTerms and conditionsDistance selling regulationsPrivacy policyPermission marketing policyAboutStaff directoryContact detailsContact / enquiry formSupportCopyrights & trademarksPress CentreSite mapFAQsOther
Add references to sites that you like or dislike, with reasons.
Brinda al hombre todas las herramientas necesarias para que el individuo o conjunto de individuos logren una convivencia saludable.
What website site are you aiming at?
- How will you brief the designers?
- What kind of impression do you want to create in the first few seconds?
- Do you want a casual and friendly site?
- Do you want a professional, conservative business-to-business site?
- Do you want a reliable business-to-customer site?
Add some notes about the style for your web site.
Estudia la estructura de los materiales y procesos que se originan en el interior de nuestro planeta tierra.
Add the site name, if chosen. If not, then a site name based on preferred keywords should help with search engine optimisation.
Busca entender la manera en la que los seres vivos interactúan entre si.
What keyword research has been done or needs to be done? What terms are your target audience searching for?
Selected keywords will be needed for page names, body text and alt text for images, which will help with search engine optimization.
Add some notes about keyword research for your site.
Permite a la ecología un amplio compilado de teorías y metodologías.
What are the key milestones for your website project? Add a topic and target date for each milestone.
Think about:
- Setting up the team
- Agreement on content
- Agreement on graphic design
- Appointment of outsourced services
- Completion of usability testing
- Official launch
- Maintenance running smoothly
A/B testing
Will you use A/B testing?
A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology. You can use it for:
- Testing colour, wording, graphics and layouts
- Testing calls to action
- Testing product positioning and targeting
Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.
Will you use A/B testing?
A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology.
You can use it for:
- Testing color, wording, graphics, and layouts
- Testing calls to action
- Testing product positioning and targeting
Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.
Add a persona
A persona is a type of user who may visit your site.
Think about:
- Prospective customers or existing customers
- Users ready to purchase
- Users with a question or a problem
- Users familiar with your industry
- Users unfamiliar with your industry
- Prospective partners or existing partners
- Industry pundits, bloggers or the press
Add objective
- What does or do 'Add a persona' be able to do on your web site?
- What is your call to action for this persona?
How might 'Add a persona' fail to 'Add objective'? What could go wrong?
You can add multiple topics here.
How will Step be detected? How can it be resolved?
You can add multiple topics here.
How will 'Add a persona' be able to 'Add objective'?
What are the steps in the normal (successful) process?
How will the user know they have succeeded?
You can add multiple topics here.
What privileges does 'Add a persona' need to 'Add objective'?
Do they need:
- Login credentials?
- A customer or account number?
- An order number or reference number?
- Proof of purchase?
- Or some other privileges?
Why would 'Add a persona' need to 'Add objective'?
What would motivate them to do this?
How much will 'Add a persona' know about your products and services?
Where will 'Add a persona' arrive from?
Will 'Add a persona' arrive from a particular location?
Will this mean they need a particular landing page?
Think about:
- Search engine results
- Referrals from other sites
- Response to a promotion
- Response to an advertisement
- Direct marketing mail
- Redirection from other sites
Existing user data
Existing data
If you have existing marketing data about users and their needs, you can identify it or attach a file here.
Market segments
Market segment
Who are your target users?
Add a market segment that reflects specific users.