Categorieën: Alle - employment - economy - media - family

door William Wright 2 jaren geleden


Impacts of Pneumonia

Pneumonia has significant impacts across various sectors, notably healthcare, employment, family life, media engagement, and the economy. Each year, it leads to approximately one million hospitalizations and fifty thousand deaths, with healthcare costs projected to rise substantially from $216 million in 2010 to $532 million by 2025.

Impacts of Pneumonia

Impacts of Pneumonia


Lung diseases puts a burden on family members because they have to take responsibility for the individual that is ill. This requires taking time off work to assist with appointments. This can result in loss of money as the family member is unable to attend work.
Having Pneumonia can be a difficult burden for your family, as someone often needs to assist and take care of you whilst you are receiving treatment and recovering from the ordeal


4.9 million cases of pneumonia in 2018 resulting in estimated annual costs of 13.4 billion dollars.


Pneumonia can have cause short term and long term damage to your lungs if the infection isn't treated sooner rather then later.


An ndividual who is ill is unable to perform the same work tasks. Therefore, the employer would have to find an easier task for the individual to perform or pay out the individual. This results in a loss for the employer as they have to pay someone for a few months and hire someone new.


With annual costs increasing from $216 million in 2010 to $532 million in 2025, addressing pneumonia today is necessary.
There is an estimated 1 million hospitalizations and fifty thousand deaths each year due to pneumonia


Approximately 22.7 million Canadians had a social media account during 2017, a number that has grown by 300,000 annually for the past 2 years. Canadians are seeing the value of using social media to engage with just about anyone; from brands, to public sector and government officials. This includes public sectors that provides information about lung diseases.