In elementary mathematics education, particularly from kindergarten through eighth grade, various strategies and concepts are taught to build a solid foundation in mathematical understanding.
Prime numbers: Have exactly two whole divisors, 1 and themselves.
Composite numbers: Any whole number greater than 1 that has other whole number factors other than 1 and itself.
Prime factorization: is a factorization containing only prime numbers
Greatest Common Divisor/Factor and Least Common Multiple:
The GCD/GCF of two whole numbers a and b, not both 0, is the greatest whole number that divides both a and b.
Closure property of multiplication of whole numbers: a and b,
a X b is a unique whole number
Cumulative Property: a and b, a X b = b X a
Associative Property: (a X b) X c= a X ( b X c)
Identity Property: aka multiplicative identity. There is a unique whole number 1.
Multiplication Property of 0
Distributive property of multiplication over addition
Distributive Property of multiplication over subtraction
Properties of exponents
Negative numbers
Whole Numbers
Addition/Subtraction Strategies
Definition of Subtraction of Whole Numbers:
a is the minuend and b is the subtrahend
a is always greater or equal to b, a - b is the unique whole number c such that
b + c = a
Base-ten Blocks to Develop the Standard Algorithm
Partial Sums Algorithm
Lattice Method
Column Addition Algorithm
Opposite-Change Algorithm
Number Line
Scratch Algorithm
Mental Computations