The Inseperable Bodybrain Partnership
Aerobic Excercise
Aerobic exercise kickstarts learning.
It provides long term memory
A study showed that fit children scored twice as well as students that were not fit.
Movement and Brain Function
Movement is crucial for planning,
memory, emotions, and for every
brain function!
Because movement is tied to
learning, it is important to
create "being there" lessons.
Emotions in the Classroom
Information substances prove
that emotions drive our attention.
There are different information
substances in our body
that tell our brain how to feel.
Important to engage prefrontal cortex by using memorable lessons.
It is important to allow
students the opportunity
to feel free from
"threats" in order to
promote thoughtful learning.
How Emotion Affects Learning
Different parts of our brain work together to regulate our senses and emotions. Emotions affect the brain, which means students' learning can be compromised in times of distress. When the brain feels "threatened", long term learning is nearly impossible.