Creating an environment that fosters communication and socialization is crucial for children's development. Opportunities for exploration and discovery should be prioritized to enhance problem-solving and decision-making skills.
To satisfy the needs of exploration and discovery.
To develop abilities in order to solve conflicts and make decisions.
To promote autonomy, free play and motor development.
To foster socialization, interactions and affective relations.
Promote autonomy on tasks realization.
Develop communication and socialization.
Foster an active and participative learning.
Respect personal pace of learning.
Reinforce imagination and creativity.
Promote the harmonious and integral development.
The corners are spaces inside the classroom where children carry out different playful activities. Each corner
allows to achieve the following objectives:
Creation of corners
IT Room: It fosters the ue and knowledge of new technologies.
Library: It is crucial to bring children closer to literature.
Multiple use room: its a large and dynamic room ehich allows the develop of diferent uses according to the needs
We can distinguish 2 spaces:
Psychomotricity room: It is devoted for motricity activities.
Classroom: Main educative space of infant school. In this classroom children spend most of their time.
Playground: Children develop their own learning in a playful way through experimentation. Its objectives are:
Outdoor playful spaces
Indoor playful spaces
The playful spaces are those areas devoted to play. In these spaces children can express their playful communication.