Aporte de valor
Where to next?
SCAMPER is best used alongside other creativity techniques, as it is only one way to generate new ideas.
Once you have gathered enough ideas, you can review them and focus on a few promising ones.
Print your mind map
or Share it with your colleagues.
Proceso de Compras
Begin by typing in the name of your existing product or service
This is your starting point for new ideas. You will need to know it well enough to think about ways that it could be changed or used differently.
Pago a proveedores
Ejecucion de pago
Responsable = Cajero
Autorizacion de pago
Preparacion de Pago
Carga de factura
Armado de legajo de pago
Factura vs Lista de precios
Remito conformado vs Factura (en cantidades)
Responsable = Administrativo
Recepcion de la mercaderia
Implementacion de politicas de calidad y abastecimiento
Envio del remito a administracion
Recepcion y conformidad de remito
Control de requerimiento vs remito
Orden de compra
El control de stock dispara el requerimiento del responsable de cocina
Pedido al proveedor
Add some ideas based on modifying 'Proceso de Compras'.
- How could you change the appearance of 'Proceso de Compras'?
- How could you make it less effective? What happens if you do the opposite?
- What would happen if you made it ten times bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, cheaper or more expensive?
- What would happen if you changed its weakest or strongest parts?
Responsable = Encargado de local
No debe realizarlo quien maneja el stock
Ventas y Consumos
vs Reporte de consumos de sistema
Planilla de produccion
Responsable = Cocina
Add some ideas based on adapting 'Proceso de Compras' for other purposes.
- What other purposes could you adapt 'Proceso de Compras' for?
- What is it similar to? Could it be adapted to solve the same problems that similar products and services do?
- What related problems or applications doesn't it address? Could it be adapted to include them?
Responsable = Encargado de Caja
eleccion de Proveedores
Comparativos de Precio
Add some ideas based on substituting parts of 'Proceso de Compras' or even all of it.
- What materials or parts could be replaced with something else?
- What could be used instead of 'Proceso de Compras'?
- What people, places or times could be substituted for different ones?
- What assumptions could be replaced with different ones?
Ante variacion significativa
Responsable = Benjamin
Recopilacion de datos
Responsable = Adminiistrativo
Propuesta de proveedores
Responsable = Todos