Categorieën: Alle - literacy - access - reliability - interactivity

door Rodrigo Antonio Guerrero Segura 7 jaren geleden


Teaching in the Digital Age

Effective utilization of technology in education hinges on several key factors. Interactivity between students, teachers, and learning materials is crucial, encouraging reflective and collaborative learning experiences.

Teaching in the Digital Age

Inherent interaction

Control learners repond

based on behaviourist approach

Eg. adaptive learnining

Media Interaction Characteristics

Organizational Issues by Rodrigo

Institutions cannot afford new technologies

Institutions do not adjust the environment for technology

Teachers do not receive training

Institutions do no support the use of technology

User-generated interaction

focused on explicit interaction

No intervention of teachers
Based on constructivism approach
it leads user to interact voluntarity

Ease of use


Use reliable softwares

Interface Design

Friendly and intuitive


Training on the software that will be used

Computer and information literacy

Basic literacy skills on using the technological tools

designed Interactivity

Kinds of interaction

students & students
students are together in groups
students & teachers
higher learning outcomes
learners & materials
reflective interaction

5. Interaction

It is explicity designed

Eg. web pages
instructors have to intervene
provide feedback
design activities
encourage interaction

Teaching in the Digital Age

Cost by Marcela

Media increasing
compression of media
Rapid consumers development
Cost reduction of media distribution
Discriminator affecting technology

Students by karina

Student demographics
Technology and media depend on the student's needs when making decisions.
Increasing diversity of students requires approaches if their proficiency is to be achieved.
Diverse range of students in higher education is a fundamental change

Security and Privacy

The need for balance
Some areas should be carried behind closed doors
Teaching is open and public
Public information has more risk
Cloud based services
Clear set of policies
Privacy is different from security
Social media companies are exclusively based in the US
Contract agreements
Unknown location
Massive servers
Privacy and security when teaching
Communications shall be managed 'in-house'
A strictly controlled environment to manage privacy
Protect students from online harassment or bullying
Private place to work online

Networking by Roque

Social Media

Course Design in 5 ways

Instructor-Led Open Resources


Self-Managed Groups

cMOOC, Blogs, webinars, wikis

Student Generated Content

Exclusive Social Media

Wordpress, YouTube, Podcast

Suplementing "Standard"

e.g. Chat Inside MOODLE


The info the teacher needs about his students. In order to make the best decisions regarding which media and technology to choose, we must know all there is to know about our students.
Must know the policy of the institution regarding the issue of access so that proper support can be given to SS who dont have access to that selected technology.


Main topic


7. What are the previous experiences and attitudes that my SS will probably bring to the program. How likely are those pre notions to be useful and suitable?
6. If I am going to make it mandatory for my SS to pay for their own access to technology, will the teaching approach justify such expenses?
5. What are my expectations about the assumed skills that my SS are to have at the start of the program?
4. When some tasks are to be done on campus, what should the institutaions policies be that regulare the SS access to devices in class?
3. When some tasks are to be done off-campus, determine if SS will have a regular and reliable access to that technology.
2. Must consider the Demographics pertaining to the SS that I am going to teach in order to ascertain the appropriateness of the technology to be used.
1. Must know what the policy of the institution is regarding access issues and how that can affect SS who dont have have accesss to the selected technology.

Teaching and media selection

Aspects to consider
Desired learning outcomes
Complexity of context
Individual differences between learners
Discriminators in media selection
Strong discrimination: Student's access and ease to use multimedia.
Weak discriminator: Teaching effectiveness of multimedia
Keep it good

Quality of material

Keep it real

Decision making and problem solving

Keep it short

Fragments instead of long-lasting videos

Keep it simple

One idea at a time

The multimedia's design must lead to effective teaching.