Kategorier: Alle - indigenous - resources - climate - wildfires

av Shamma Sajed Alam 11 måneder siden


#3 - Prince George

The city of Prince George, located in the northern region of British Columbia, serves as a focal point for discussions on climate change and its impacts. Significant evidence of climate change in the area includes the increasing frequency of forest wildfires, which pose threats to both the indigenous communities and the local wildlife.

#3 - Prince George

#3 - Prince George

How to take Cornell Notes?


Climate Atlas of Canada. (2018, November 7). World out of Balance. YouTube. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNkE_QCM3Dk

Stewart, J., Sedgwick, K., & Favrholdt, K. (n.d.). Prince George.

(n.d.). Climate Atlas. Retrieved April 22, 2024, from https://climateatlas.ca/data/city/443/plus30_2030_85/line

Cue column

This section should be written soon after class, while you still have a fresh memory of the content taught. In this column, you can add:

This will make the learning and remembering process easier.

j) Why care?
i) Why there?
h) What is where?
g) Who are the change makers/activists in the community? What activism have they participated in? How long have they been working on creating positive change?
f) Has the community been in the media lately?
e) Does the area have clean drinking water, food and energy security?
d) What is the community's (people who are currently living on the land) relationship with the land they live on?
c) Who are the environmental stewards in your region?
b) What resources and industries are obtained from this region? What makes these locations ideal for the extraction of these resources? Was the land in your region ever expropriated for these resources?
a) What evidence of climate change is there in the location you choose to study on the Climate Atlas? (peatland fires, migration of fish and animals, flooding of waterfront areas, melting permafrost, communities no longer being able to live off the land as they have in the past, wildfires, lack of biodiversity/wildlife, loss of permafrost)


Write the summary while reviewing your notes and write it in your own words.

It needs to highlight the main points in your notes, so you can use it as a quick reference area later on.

Prince George is abundant in resources such as trees, fish, and water.
Prince George is a city in British Columbia.
Wildfires are a threat to the indigenous community and wildlife.
A significant evidence of climate change in Prince George are forest wildfires.

Notes column

These are the actual notes taken during your class.

Add the key ideas, main points, important people, or places here.

Make sure you use concise sentences, abbreviations, outlines.

j) Prince George
i) at risk of climate change: wildfires
h) -The biggest city in the province's northern region is Prince George. -Prince George is a city in the Canadian province of British Columbia.
g) Terry Teegee - BC Assembly of First Nations, Regional Chief
f) Not much
e) YES
d) Indigenous culture, wildlife, "gratitude to mother nature"
c) Terry Teegee - BC Assembly of First Nations, Regional Chief
b) Trees, fish, water
a) Wildfires

Apr 13 2024

Optionally, you can add the date of your class.


Optionally, you can add your class title.