Kategorier: Alle - science - revelation - teaching - realism

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8 Essential Questions of Teaching

The discussion emphasizes the value of both science and religion in education, highlighting that they offer complementary perspectives essential for comprehensive learning. It argues that teaching should extend beyond mere facts, encouraging students to understand and apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

8 Essential Questions of Teaching

Nation at Risk

The role of the community is to provide real world opportunities for students to apply what they learn in school.
Academic and social skills needed to succeed in the world should be taught.
Teachers who understand the past, but know where the future is headed should teach. This is important so students can be better prepared for what's ahead.
The role of the student is to seek opportunities to learn, and should apply that knowledge to the world around them. They should also look for intelligent ways to improve the world around them.
Learning the skills needed to prepare and cultivate the future is needed.
All students, including those with disabilities, should be taught

Johnson & Anyon

The role of the community is to provide opportunities to learn. It should also provide the funding (where possible) for schools.
Teaching students to be able to learn for themselves is important.
Teachers who understand the students, even in their different circumstances should teach.
The role of the student is to take advantage of oppertinuites to learn.
Learning the basics of education is important to learn. This is especially true so that those in poverty can get themselves out of it.
All children are worth teaching, including those in poverty.

Brown vs. Board

The community should provide support and opportunities to receive an education.
Teaching academic material and societal skills is important.
Teachers that can encourage you and help you see your value and strengths should teach.
The role of the student is to take advantage of/fight for opportunities to learn and get an eduction.
Learning academic skills are important. But, also learning about society and role in societies important.
All children are with teaching.

Cardinal Principles

The role of the community is to foster and provide opportunities for students to develop and utilize their skills and talents.
Democracy. But also the arts (i.e. music, art, dance, etc.)
Teachers who understand the country we live in and how to help students see how they can find their place here.
The role of the student is to seek and develop the talents and interests they have so they can best serve the world (and democracy they live in).
Learning bout democracy; but also how to apply our unique skills and talents in a democracy is important as well.

Washington & DuBois

The role of the community is to provide ways and schools that ALL children may gain the education they deserve.
Teach about equal rights, equity, and government is important.
Teachers who understand the importance of education and each student could teach.
The role of the student is take advantage of opportunities to learn. Students should also "fight" for their rights to equity in education.
Learning about politics and government is important so we can make the difference we want in our country.
All are worth teaching; both the majority and minority.

Horrace Mann

The role of the community is to fund and support local schools.
5 "sectors" of education should be taught. They are: Physical Ed, Intellectual Ed, Political Ed, Moral Ed, and Religious Ed.
Teachers who are intelligent and educated should teach.
The role of the student I stopped be an active learner, learning all they can so they can act for themselves.
Learning about physical, intellectual, political, moral, and religious needs is important in an education.
All are worth teaching. Those in poverty should especially be taught so they can overcome their poverty.


The role of the community is to provide opportunities for all. However, no thing should be pushed onto an individual; each person should choose for themselves.
Teaching students to make their own decisions is important to learn. No idea should be pressed on the student. It is up to them.
Teachers who want the students to learn for themselves and can provide opportunities for that learning to occur should teach.
The role of the student is to take charge of their own education and path.
Learning how to make decisions for yourself is important to learn. Because, it is you who creates your own meaning and destiny.
All are worth teaching, however, nothing should be forced on the students.

John Dewey (Progressivism)

The role of the student should be an active learner. Students should be looking for opportunities to act on what they are learning.
Teachers who are creative, or can think of creative and progressive ways of teaching should teach. Teachers should at least be open to this idea.
The role of the community is to provide real life experiences for what the students are learning. The community should also be preparing their students for their future as best they can.
Teaching students by engaging them in experience and active activities should be taught. Material should be presented according to age group or understanding.
All students are worth teaching. However, students should be taught by age level so understanding can truly take place and be built upon.

Realism and Essentialism

The role of the community is to provide students with the opportunity to learn by establishing schools.
Both science and religion are worth teaching. Students should learn more than just the facts of science; they should also learn how it applies to their lives on a deeper level.
Those who are in tune with the Spirit should teach.
The role of the student is to be Abel to observe the world around them not only through science, but also revelation.
Learning both science and revelation (religion) is important.
All are worth teaching.

Paulo Friere

The role of the community is to support students in their endeavors and decisions, rather than oppress them.
Teaching students to be kind and have empathy for all mankind is important to teach students so they do not grow up to become selfish and oppress others.
Those who care about their students (rather than just caring for themselves) should teach. Teachers should be supporters, not oppressors.
The role of the student is to learn how to apply their knowledge for the betterment of others, not only themselves.
Learning about history I feel is important when speaking of oppressors and the oppressed. In the past here have been many cases of people being oppressed by those in power. However, if we learn from these situations we can prevent them from happening so largely again (Example: World War 2, The Holocaust).
All are worth teaching. This includes those oppressed and the oppressors. Especially as reteach those who are oppressors, we can perhaps make difference in how they view others so they can use their knowledge for good rather than evil.

Privilege and Potential

The role of the community is to give all students as equal of an opportunity to grow and learn as they can.
Teaching kindness, and empathy is important. Also, teaching cultural differences is important as well.
Teachers who are understanding and open minded about the differences their students have should teach. Teachers need to see every student for their potential.
The role of a student is to be an active learner and take advantage of the opportunities placed before them.

What's worth learning?

Learning how to be a good citizen and person is very important to learn in a classroom. teaching students character is just as important (if not, more important) as teaching them content.
Every child is worth teaching, regardless of their race or privilege.

Philosophy in Education

Realism is important in the classroom because it is important we learn from what we can test and observe. However, it is also important to learn from how we feel as well.

Axiology helps us gather what is important to learn about being a decent human in society. In other words, how is one of high character with good values?

Pragmatism is important so students can learn to make decisions and take action learning from their past experiences.

Idealism: "Education is transformation. Ideas can change lives. The more we know, the better we are." -Philosophical Presentation Power Point

Epistemology is important because it helps us gather our ideals of what we know and what truth we find in learning and teaching.

Jane Addam's Theory

How do I learn?

Jane Addams showed that learning comes from immersing yourself in the culture. By living with the poor, she was able to better empathize with those that she taught and tried to serve and help.

What is my work as a learner and a teacher?

As a teacher, it is important that we learn all we can so we can effectively teach our students. Jane Addams was a great example of this as she focused and worked hard on her own education; therefore, having a great impact on the education of the poor and needy.
Everyone is worth teaching. Jane Addams showed this as she focused on teaching and uplifting the poor. She also set up help for delinquent children; therefore, showing all are worth teaching.

What is the role of school in society?

The role of school in society is to build self sufficient people; in other words, self sufficient learners.

Plato's Theory

What's worth teaching?

It is important to teach students how to be critical thinkers so they can learn how to choose the right on their own. We should also teach students to have compassion and nothings for others, not just themselves. Justice, being wisdom and virtue, should be taught. In other words, we should not just teach children academics, we should teach them values and character so they may know how to use academic knowledge for betterment of the world and society. Lastly, we should teach them that one cannot simply appear to be just and reap the rewards of the just if they have been acting unjust.

Who should teach?

Those who are just should teach. We even see the different kinds of "just" people in classrooms. For example, some have a very firm "black and white" view on rules and teaching; whereas others are more situationally and individually (for the student) based.

Who's worth teaching?

All students and people are worth teaching.

What is the role of the student?

The role of the student is to be an active learner. Students should seek for opportunities to not only learn material, but learn how to learn. Students do this by applying what is taught in the classroom to their everyday lives and decisions.

What is the role of the community?

The role of the community is to give students the opportunity to practice what they have learned. There is only so much you can teach a student about justice in the classroom. In addition, society is hopefully a good example to students of just. responsible action (however, this is not always the case).