av Aarushi Singh 3 år siden
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American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) -organelles -nucleus
Euglenoids Excavata - feeding groove - secondary plastids
Radiolarians SAR Clade
Common ancestor of Stramenopila and Alveolata - secondary plastids
Dinoflagellates Alveolata - membranous vesicles on cell membrane - tertiary plastids
Diatoms Stramenopila - tripartite flagellate hair
Foraminiferas Rhizaria - filase pseudopodia
Slime molds Unikonta
Amoeba Amoebozoa - pseudopodia (tubular/flat lobes)
Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) Opisthokonta - single posterior flagellum - multicellular - absorptive heterotrophy
Black Bread Mold ( Rhizopus stolonifer) Fungi - cell wall - Zygotic life cycle
Common ancestor of Choanoflagellates and animals
American Black Bear Animals - mobility - complex organ system - gametic life cycle
Monarch Butterfly Bilateria -Bilateral body symmetry
Giant sea star Deuterostoma - Triploblasty -Radial and intermediate embryonic cleavage - Fate of Blastopore: anus
Echinoderms - Water vascular system
Common ancestor - Notochord - Hollow, dorsal nerve cord - Post, anal tail - Pharyngeal slits
Common Ancestor - Cranium - Vertebral column
Common Ancestor - Jaws
Common ancestor - Bony skeleton - Lungs/ lung derivatives
Common Ancestor - Lobe fins
Common Ancestor - Limbs with digits - Amniotic eggs
American Black Bear Ursus americanus - Mammalia - Endotherm - Hair - Milk
Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas - Reptilia - Ectotherm - Birds: Endotherms
Red Eyed Tree Frog Agalychnis callidryas - Amphibia - Ectotherm
Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae - Lobe-finned fishes
Blue Tang Paracanthurus hepatus - Ray-finned fishes
Great White Shark Carcharodon carcharias - Chondrichthyes - Cartilaginous skeleton
Pacific Hagfish - Eptatretus stoutii - Agnathans
Urochordata - Sea Peaches
Cephalochordata - Branchiostoma lanceolatum
Echinoidea - Purple Sea Urchin - No arms and spikes
Ophiuroidea - Serpent star - No adhesive chemicals
Asteroidea - Giant sea star - Adhesive chemicals for gripping
Humboldt Squid Prostomia - Spiral and determinate embryonic cleavage - Fate of blastophore: mouth - Cephalization
Chesapeake Blue Crab Ecdysozoa - Diploblasty - Ecdysis
Hexapoda (Insects) - Monarch Butterfly - Several complex organ systems - Metamorphosis
Crustacea - Chesapeake Blue Crab - Specialized appendages (claws/pinchers)
Chelicerata - Sourthern Black Widow - Claw-like feeding appendages
Nematoads - Roundworm
Golden Apple Snail Lophotrochozoa - Triploblasty - Presence of trochopore larvae or lophophore
Platyhelminthes - Pork Tapeworm
Rhabditophorans - Macrostomum ligano - Parastic
Trematoda - Sheep liver fluke - Require Intermediate host
Cestoda - Pork Tapeworm - Lacks mouth and gastrovascular cavity
Annelida - Common Earthworm
Mollusca - Humboldt Squid - Golden Apple Snail
Cephalopoda - Humboldt Squid - Tentacles
Bivalvia - Soft shell clam - Shells divided in two
Gastropoda - Golden Apple snail - Shell (marine and terrestrial)
Moon Jelly Cnidaria - Radial body symmetry - Diploplasty
Anthozoans - Elkhorn Coral - Polyp form
Scyphzoa - Moon jelly - Medusa form most of its life
Hydrozoa - Pennaria disticha - Polyp and medusa forms
Giant Barrel Sponge Porifera
Chlorophytes Archaeplastida -primary plastids
Common Ancestor
Common Ancestor -Sporic life cycle -Presence of embryo -Desiccation-resistant spores -Apical meristems -Gametangia -Sporangia
Common Ancestor -Thick waxy cuticle -Stomata -Dominant sporophyte generation -Lignin -Xylem and phloem
Common Ancestor -Ovules -Pollen -Seeds -Wood -Heterospory
Angiosperms -Fruit -Endosperm -Flowers -Ovaries
Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)
White Water Lily (Nymphaea alba)
Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris
Eastern Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris) Monilophytes -Megaphylls leaves
Fan clubmoss (Diphasiastrum digitatum) Lycophytes -Lycophyll leaves
Field hornwort (Anthoceros agrestis) -Hornworts
Woolly Feather Moss (Tomentypnum nitens) -Mosses
Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) Liverworts
Braun's stonewort (Chara braunii) Charophytes - Zygotic life cycle
Methanobrevibacter smithii