Kategorier: Alle - prefixes - suffixes - examples - nouns

av EDWIN ULCUANGO 4 år siden


Adjectives & adverbs

Prefixes and suffixes are essential components in English that modify the meanings and functions of words. Prefixes are added to the beginning of words to alter their meaning, while suffixes are appended to the end to either change the word class or adjust its meaning.

Adjectives & adverbs

Adjectives & adverbs


Examples of English suffixes for adjectives
prefixes (letters added to the beginning of a word)

End / Endless (final / sin final, ilimitado)

Use / Useless (uso / inútil)

– less

Dark / darkness (oscuro / oscuridad)

Lonely / loneliness (solo / soledad)


Week / weekly (semana / semanal)

Slow / slowly (lento / con lentitud, lentamente)



Examples of English suffixes for nouns
-dom King / kingdom (rey / reino) Free / freedom (libre / libertad) -ess / -ine Waiter / waitress (camarero / camarera) Actor / actress (actor / actriz) –ful Flavour / flavourful (sabor / sabroso) Wonder / wonderful (maravilla / maravilloso) –ship Dictator / dictatorship (dictador / dictadura) Citizen / citizenship (ciudadano / ciudadanía) -y Hair / hairy (pelo / peludo) Rain / rainy (lluvia / lluvioso)
suffixes (at the end). Suffixes can change the meaning or function of a word