Kategorier: Alle

av Mónika Holczinger 2 år siden


Advent calendar

A karácsonyi időszak közeledtével sokan készülnek különböző ünnepi tevékenységekkel, amelyek melegséget és örömöt hoznak a mindennapokba. A képeslapkészítés egy nagyszerű módja annak, hogy személyes üzeneteket küldjünk szeretteinknek, míg a forró csokoládé főzése egy finom és melegítő élményt nyújt a hideg napokon.

Advent calendar


December 1

Add the surprise element for the first day. Choose one of the following options:


December 2

Add the surprise element for the second day. Choose one of the following options:

December 3

Add the surprise element for the third day. Choose one of the following options:


Készítsd karácsonyi képeslapot!

December 4

Add the surprise element for the fourth day. Choose one of the following options:


Főzz forró csokit!

December 5

Add the surprise element for the fifth day. Choose one of the following options:


Énekeljünk együtt!

December 6

Add the surprise element for the sixth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 7

Add the surprise element for the seventh day. Choose one of the following options:


Süss mézeskalácsot!

December 8

Add the surprise element for the eighth day. Choose one of the following options:


Készítsd karácsonyfadíszt!

December 9

Add the surprise element for the ninth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 10

Add the surprise element for the tenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 11

Add the surprise element for the eleventh day. Choose one of the following options:


December 12

Add the surprise element for the twelfth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 13

Add the surprise element for the thirteenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 14

Add the surprise element for the fourteenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 15

Add the surprise element for the fifteenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 16

Add the surprise element for the sixteenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 17

Add the surprise element for the seventeenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 18

Add the surprise element for the eighteenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 19

Add the surprise element for the nineteenth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 20

Add the surprise element for the twentieth day. Choose one of the following options:


December 21

Add the surprise element for the twenty-first day. Choose one of the following options:



The Advent Calendar is a diagram that contains a surprise element for each day of December (until Christmas). In other words, you can add a total of 25 elements that are ready to be unveiled every day. You can add anything you want, starting from personal development videos, editing tools, movie ideas, places to visit, food recipes, grateful thoughts, or even daily small goals for the following year. Put your imagination to work and create your own advent calendar for your dear ones!


December 22

Add the surprise element for the twenty-second day. Choose one of the following options:


December 23

Add the surprise element for the twenty-third day. Choose one of the following options:


December 24

Add the surprise element for the twenty-fourth day. Choose one of the following options: