Kategorier: Alle - light - individuality - photography - creative

av Hashir Shahid 2 måneder siden


All Tommorrows

This project showcases the integration of photography techniques with a unique conceptual framework, evolved from a light-focused assignment into a final performance task. It emphasizes artistic rather than technical photography, reflecting the creator'

All Tommorrows


Partially inspired by the weeknd's upcoming album "Hurry Up Tomorrow" I considered what my tomorrow would be. the idea of tomorrow is my own optimism for a better future and for a time in my life where I feel fulfilled, However for this story I also expanded a bit more I imagine a future where I am one with myself and I master myself and how I behave and where I learn to reach my full potential, and my ADHD so that I can be my best self.

When I reach my full potential, will I be a transcendent individual who will understand all that they perceive?

The Color of All Tommorrows

Color (and the lack of) is extremely Important to the stories I try to tell, and the specific saturation and shade are all also extremely Important to me, Whenever I color code something I make sure to do so at an extremly high degree making sure to account for even the slightest tweak in color. For example, during my light unit era photos I was extremely careful to measure the right purple during editing and shooting, purple can be regarded as "royal" or even "Transcendent" which is exactly why I use so much purple in most projects related to the theme. One other unique thing about purple is that I think of it as the color of (my) Tomorrow, as my dream university has purple as its color and is the mixture of red and blue, which alo have deep meaning that I will expand on, but in short blue is the well mannered color of knowledge and perception, while red is that of Intention and Boldness, A Bold shade of Red and A Wise Shade of Blue Leads to Tomorrow

Truth and Wisom
Passionate and Bold (Crimson)
The Color Of Tomorrow (Deep purple)

Photo Shooting Techniques

the photos are all meant to be shot In landscape and in primarily in a 1.43:1 and a 2.35:1 aspect ratio. The reason for these two specific aspect ratios is because this is what was used to shoot the Dune (2024-2021) films were shot in, these 2 films inspired and revolutionized how i think and i believe that the way dune was shot, truly captured the depth of the story, which is why i want to use that aspect to shape the way I tell my story.



Symbolism In Islam and Culture

Islami Futurism

This project originally named "in heaven everything is fine" was made to display my knowledge of photography and making a project with a unique concept to demonstrate my creative skills. However this was not meant to be a FPT Project but rather what I was to for the light unit for this projects emphasis on and use of light.

However this project has evolved into my final performance task. The Project is meant to be an art project rather than technical photography project, a lot like my work throughout the semester. However through the project I will be using the skills i learned in the semester, for example the camera function techniques used to blur photos or techniques with lights to give a soft and emotional or hard and dramatic feel.

The Creative aspect
The story of this project will be complex. It was meant to channel my personal experience and my childhood, my experience with my own Idiosyncrasy and individuality. Additionally it is meant to show transcendental expirience, a sort of ultra perception towards something we cannot perceive entirely, this is why i lean into religious imagery and topic, but i feel like with this project i have to go further.

Ultra Prescience and Dune In the dune universe we follow characters who are constantly trying to expand their minds through mystical crops and drugs, namely the main character paul who has been bred to be the "perfect human" and through the "spice melange" (The central substance behind dune) gains prescient vision, we follow paul among a group known as the "fremen" and his rise to a messianic figure among this group. the story is made to warn against charismatic leaders who use crafted lies to control groups of people.

What I want to explore is the culture and mysticism of Dune, of prescience and perception. how we as a collective view religion and how we view mystic symbols and idols. This Exploration is the Core of "All Tomorrows"

The title is also based off of a leaked The Weeknd song, however the meaning written here is entirely synthesised by me

Project Overview

Pomegranate is a fruit that is important to islamic culture, being a fruit that is stated to be (derived) from heaven, it is important to note that it is stated that no element of paradise is similar to this world, except in name. There also used to be a hadith that stated that in every one pomegranate there is one seed sent from or connected to heaven, however based on the last statement you can note that this hadith is false, and now is demoted to niche cultural folklore.

All Tommorrows

This Life and the Afterlife

Hurry Up Tommorrow

The Divine Trilogy
Inferno (An Naar)

An Naar can also be Anaar (Pomegranate)

Purgatory (Alam-e-barzakh)
Paradise (Al Akhira or Jannnah)

In Heaven Everything Is Fine

Originally, this was the project title and main concept meant to encompass a concept that explored apathy for each other in the afterlife, and the focus on individualism that reaches us now in this life, likewise the "everything is fine" also stated that there is no worry in heaven, how when we think of unending paradise and immortality in our world we are unable to comprehend it, leading to horror, we are left to ignore our fear and imagine that "everything is fine"