av Roger Diaz 4 år siden
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Use this template to test your knowledge on some of Medieval Europe's most important events. Write down the names of important figures who have marked history.
Se dice que las empresas insertan mensajes subliminales encubiertos en anuncios o envases.
Propensos a recordar aspectos positivos de un producto que nos gusta, y a olvidar los que se refieren a productos competidores.
Es la tendencia que tenemos los seres humanos a interpretar la información de forma que se ajuste a nuestras percepciones.
La atención es la asignación de capacidad de procesamiento a determinados estímulos.
Who is the Italian artist who painted the top of the Sistine Chapel?
This artist is also the creator of the famous sculpture statue of David.
Type in the answer.
Factores que causan satisfacción.
Who was the Italian artist who painted Mona Lisa?
He became world famous for also being a prolific scientist, inventor, engineer, mathematician, and writer.
Type in the answer.
Factores que provocan insatisfacción.
Who was the English physicist who created the laws of motion that govern all objects, including the force of gravity?
Type in the answer.
Who was the famous Italian writer who advised rulers that “the ends always justify the means”?
Type in the answer.
Se refiere a la manera en que los consumidores codifican, categorizan y evalúan los resultados financieros de sus elecciones.
Los consumidores hacen un juicio inicial y luego lo ajustan a su primera impresión sobre la base de información adicional.
Los consumidores basan en otros ejemplos sus pronósticos sobre lo representativo o similar que será un resultado.
Los consumidores basan sus pronósticos en la rapidez y facilidad con la que les viene a la mente un ejemplo de un resultado específico.
The Crusades were wars fought by the Holy Roman Empire against the Muslims in an attempt to conquer the Holy Land.
What was the year of the First Crusade? Type in the answer.
What is the year in which the Vikings were defeated by the King of England, Alfred the Great?
Type in the answer.
Proporcionan identificacion especifica y socializacion mas profunda a sus miembreos.
Divisines homogeneas y perdurables que se ordenan jerarquicamente.