Kategorier: Alle - grammar - natural - direct - communication

av Nardelia Romero 1 år siden


Approaches in Language Teaching

Various methodologies in language teaching focus on different aspects of student engagement and learning. Communicative Language Teaching emphasizes using the target language as a means of communication rather than just an object of study.

Approaches in Language Teaching

Approaches in Language Teaching

8) Natural method

Aims to foster naturalistic language acquisition in a classroom setting
communication, and places

importance on conscious grammar study and explicit correction of student errors.

9)Communicative Language Teaching

develop the ability to communicate
effectively in the target language

target language is a vehicle for classroom communication

just the object of study.

7)Community Language Learning

teachers have some understanding of the relationship
students’ feelings, physical reactions

instinctive protective reactions, and desire to learn

6) Suggestopedia

help students eliminate the feeling that they cannot be successful
the negative association they may have toward studying

to help them overcome the barriers to learning


Meaning in the target language
The imperative is a powerful linguistic device through

The teacher can direct student behavior

often be conveyed through actions.

Memory is activated through learner response


Meaning is made clear
Focusing students’ perceptions, not through translation.
The teacher makes use of what students already know
Silence is a tool

Helps to foster autonomy, or the exercise of initiative


Oral-based approach
Language has place within a context

Learning is a process of habit formation

drills students

use of grammatical sentence patterns.


No translation is allowed
Demonstration and visual aids
It was revived as a method
the goal

instruction became learning

use another language to communicate.


The purpose of helping students to read and appreciate foreign language literature
students would probably never use the target language
first used in the teaching
the classical languages

Latin and Greek