av Michaela s 6 år siden
Buisness ideas
Michaela has developed several innovative business ideas, each with its own set of advantages and challenges. The DIY acrylic nail set is affordable, entertaining, and convenient, though it produces a strong chemical smell and poses health risks if not handled properly.
Michaela's business ideas DIY Acrylic nail set Only available online Acrylic power and liquid could cause some serious health issues if not handled in the proper way Can be dangerous if ingested Produces a strong chemical smell Comes with limited complimentary products Convenient-shipping is free and comes within 2-4 business days Time consuming-takes long to do properly Easy to learn (instructions are easy to read and come in many languages) At home dog groomer Special treatments may cost more and any outfits, bows etc. Takes up space in your home Transportation may be slower-Traffic, accidents slow the groomer down on the way to the clients house Potentially messy Possibly noisy Many different services offered-such as nail clipping and hair styling Relaxing and enjoyable for your dog Affordable Saves time (don't have to drive out of your way) Fast and efficient Design your own soccer ball A small business, and the soccer balls get sold out quickly Website is only in english so other buyers may have a problem ordering Only partnered with about 5 brands Shipping isnt cheap The process is only available online By signing up, many different coupons and deals are offered Great price So many designs and colours to chose from Soccer balls are available in many sizes Website is easy to access and use Eyelash lifts and extensions course Classes move from lesson to lesson- quickly (some people don't like that teaching style) In Toronto-people far away are unable to transport Classes are limited to only ten people (sell out) Time consuming (3 days, and two hours each) Expensive Allows anyone from age 13 and up Entertaining Comes with some starter items Allows you to have the knowledge to teach others Able to do lash lifts and extensions Gum that never loses its flavour Cons The long term effects are unkown Only being sold in some countrys A possible choking hazard to an infant Almost like a meal-will fill you up Starting price is'nt cheap Pros Comes in many different flavours Safe for most ages No negative effect on your teeth Spend less money long term A delicious treat