Kategorier: Alle - racism - neighbors - justice - family

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Characters In TKAM

In a town grappling with deep-seated prejudices, various characters embody the struggle for justice and morality. Atticus Finch, a lawyer, takes on the formidable task of defending Tom Robinson, an African-American falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell.

Characters In TKAM

Mr Connor : Was once locked in an outhouse by the young Boo Radley and his friends, brought the teens to court and pressed charges

Lula : An African-American who dislikes the whites, attends First Purchase

Burris Ewell : Son of Bob Ewell, younger brother of Mayella Ewell, attends the same school as Jem and Scout but never comes back after the first day like all Ewell children.

Ms Rachel Haverford : Dill's aunt, the Finch's next door neighbour

Jessie : Mrs. Dubose's African-American nurse

Zeebo : Calpurnia's eldest son, the vocal leader of First Purchase, garbage man of Maycomb, welcomed Scout and Jem to the church when Lula made them feel bad for coming, African-American

Mr Braxton Underwood : Owns and published the Macomb Tribune, helped Atticus by defending him with a shotgun from the Cunningham mob

Mr. Heck Tate : Sheriff of Maycomb County, Atticus's friend

Mr Dolphus Raymond : A white landowner who prefers to live among the African-Americans. Has an African-American wife and mixed children. Met Jem, Scout and Dill outside the courthouse.

Mr. Link Deas : Tom Robinson's employer, stood up to defend him in court, tried to help the Robinson family by protecting Helen from Bob Ewell's harassment and giving her a job after Tom was arrested

Ms. Stephanie Crawford : The town busybody, the Finch's neighbour

Helen Robinson : Wife of Tom Robinson, African-American

Mr. Horace Gilmer : State attorney representing the Ewells.

Mrs Taylor : Judge Taylor's wife.

Francis Hancock : Alexandra's grandson, Atticus and Jack's great-nephew, Jem and Scout's nephew.

Jack Finch : Uncle of Scout and Jem, Brother of Atticus and Alexandra, Great-uncle of Francis

Jean Louise Finch (Scout) : daughter of Atticus, younger sister of Jem Finch, main character of TKAM, niece of Jack and Alexandra

Miss Caroline Fisher : Scout and Walter's first grade teacher, had arguments with Scout on the first day of school

Cecil Jacobs : Schoolmate of Jem and Scout, walks a mile every day to school to avoid the Radley place and Mrs. Dubose

Dill Harris: Friend of Jem and Scout, lives in Meridian, comes to Macomb County every summer to stay with his Aunt Rachel

Walter Cunningham : Scout's classmate, son of Mr. Cunningham

Mr. Cunningham : Father of Walter, client of Atticus, a farmer

Atticus Finch : Father of Scout and Jem, brother of Jack and Alexandra, employer of Calpurnia, defended Tom in a court

Mr. Dick Avery : Finch's and Miss Maudie's neighbour, Lives across Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose
Judge John Taylor : Judge of the rape case
Tom Robinson : Accused of rape of Mayella Ewell, African-American, Defended by Atticus in court.
Mayella Ewell : Accused Tom of rape, daughter of Bob Ewell, oldest of her 7 siblings

Robert. E. Lee "Bob" Ewell : Father of Mayella, witness in the rape case, hates African-Americans, framed Tom Robinson, attacked Jem and Scout, threatened to hurt the Finch family, died in the end of the story

Arthur (Boo) Radley : Finch's neighbours, son of Mr. and Mrs. Radley, saved Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell
Mr. Nathan Radley : Husband of Mrs. Radley, Widower, Father of Arthur, Finch's neighbours
Mrs. Radley : Deceased, Wife of Mr. Radley, Mother of Arthur, Finch's neighbours
Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose : The Finch's neighbour, had Scout and Jem read to her while trying to cure her morphine addiction.
Miss Maudie Atkinson : Lives across from the Finches. One of their closest family friends.
Calpurnia : Works for the Finch, African-American, attends the same church as the Robinson family
Aunt Alexandra : Aunt of Scout and Jem, sister of Atticus and Jack

Jem Finch : Son of Atticus, older brother of Scout, Alexandra and Jack's nephew, Francis's uncle